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Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619DR Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    Thanks Mark I appreciate you taking the time to test my EDID.
  2. shasurf

    shasurf New Member

    Hello, I can't start my zidoo with my smartphone remotely, he writes to me unable to connect to this device error code is there a manipulation to do thank you
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ah right - Auto is generally the right choice for most situations but options available will vary from display to display depending what the EDID says.

    Auto will always chose the "correct" mode to match the content but then it is up to the user to decide if they want to force other modes. There's no real way to generalise this choice as it depends on EDID and the user's setup.
  4. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mark,

    For a lamda user who is not interested in what an EDID is for and everything else...then the best choice will be the AUTO mode.

    I ask this because a lot of buyers like it when it's simple and they don't have to spend an hour in the settings to see if the color is slightly different.

    Of course there are also those who like to have as many options as possible to get the best possible image :)
    elpablo likes this.
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, absolutely - and that's why I put Auto in the first post.

    It's only rabid test freaks like me (and a few others!) who like to push as hard as we can to see what we can break ;)
    elpablo likes this.
  6. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Yes, of course, it was just to confirm in person :)

    Thanks Mark
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Right here's what I figured out.

    Your TV supports 4K60 at 600MHz in SDR and HDR absolutely fine (EDID report attached) but there are restrictions in the Dolby Block.

    It is Standard DV only and does not support 4K60 in DV - the Dolby Block decodes as below:

    DV Version: 1, [long 15-byte version]
    DV DM Version: v3.x
    DV Interface: standard DV only

    2160p60: not supported
    YUV422 12bit: not supported
    Global Dimming: not supported
    Backlight Control: not supported
    RED Primary: 0.676, 0.320
    GREEN Primary: 0.266, 0.660
    BLUE Primary: 0.137, 0.047
    MAX/MIN Luminance: 700 / 0.001 nits

    This explains why 4K60 isn't supported.

    But to get everything working properly, you need to go to Settings/Display/Dolby Vision Compatible Mode and set it to "Priority Standard DV"

    Once you've done that DV content should play correctly and you can change resolution and frame rate whether you're in HDR Auto or Dolby Vision VS10 Engine.

    Attached Files:

  8. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    Thanks for the report Mark,

    I know 4k 60 Dolby Vision and LLDV is not supported on the 2016 series. This is why I was asking for proper Dolby Vision Standard to be added to the Z9x since launch, only 1080p 60 DV standard would work up until firmware 0.90 anything above 1080p 60 was LLDV. The Z9X didnt support other standard modes.
    I have been using Priority standard since it was introduced in 0.90 which finally allowed 4k 30 DV for the GUI and when watching movies it would output 4k 24p DV just fine on my TV. I was watching many films and shows without issue.

    The problem now is since 0.97 4k30 DV standard and 4k 24p is broken on the LG C6 and gives a black screen with the proper settings. ie-Settings/Display/Dolby Vision Compatible Mode and set it to "Priority Standard DV"
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    There's something odd going on here...

    So you say you can't change resolution to 4K23, 4K24 or 4K30 - now that's something I saw too earlier using your EDID. Also you say you 4K24 content plays at 60Hz. Again, that's something I saw earlier too.

    Now those two symptoms are indicative of the box throwing a wobbly which is something I see a lot because I muck around with settings I probably shouldn't do - changing stuff on the fly that shouldn't be changed on the fly etc.

    Thing is I can't duplicate that now without changing Compatibility Mode to LLDV.

    If I do that then all sorts of freaky things happen:

    The GUI is at 4K30 and can't be changed

    4K24 DV plays at 1080p60

    4K23 DV plays at 1080p23

    4K23 HDR plays at 1080p23

    If I then change compatibility mode back to Standard DV:

    The Gui defaults to 4K30 but I can change to 4K23/24/25/30.

    4K24 and 4K24 movies play at the correct resolution and frame rate while 4K60 plays at 1080P60 (frame rate is preserved over resolution).

    One thing I did do was to set HDR to Auto in between changing compatibility mode so the Realtek engine is used and this presumably resets the VS10 engine.

    I think this might be a case of the SOC getting it's knickers in a twist.

    So try this:

    1. Set HDR to Auto
    2. Set Compatibility Mode to LLDV
    3. Set HDR to VS10
    4. Set HDR to Auto
    5. Set Compatibility Mode to Standard DV
    6. Set HDR to VS10

    You should then have the gui in 4K30 and be able to play 4K23/24/25/30 correctly and 4K50/60 will output as 2K50/60.

    You should also be able to set the gui resolution up to and including 4K30.

    The big clue is the fact that resolution doesn't change which indicates something in the box locking up rather than an issue with the TV.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    Rob W likes this.
  10. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    On new firmware for the first 19 or so tries of a DV file the DV logo on TV shows but it's black screen. When the stars align on the 20th or so try the video plays back in 24p DV and continues with no issue till the end. Issue then repeats on next file. During those tries it will sometimes output as SDR also when it fails to even start DV but at least I can see that :).
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Haha - had some more thoughts above!
  12. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    Yes firstly I need to clarify I have no issues with HDR, SDR 4K 24p switching VS10 HDR to DV conversion at 24p all of that works normally.

    The issue is exclusive to Dolby Vision content and Dolby Vision standard mode which includes VS10 on GUI. I can't tell if my DV content is trying to play at 4K60 because the black screen doesn't allow overlay and TV won't show refresh. I do know that if I set Priorty LLDV it performs the same buggy way as Standard priotity so yes I would say it's ignoring standard toggle and trying to output LLDV.

    I will try your approach I am also noticing so much weirdness with settings like for example. I am in Auto mode so it should just switch to DV or HDR SDR as needed but

    Colour Settings 4k 23-30Hz
    If I set certain modes like YUV444 8BIT it will try to output DV but I get black screen.
    If I change it to RGB444 8BIT it will output as SDR.
    This behavour is consistent some of the 10 bit and 12 bit modes try to output DV others go to SDR.

    1. Set HDR to Auto
    2. Set Compatibility Mode to LLDV
    3. Set HDR to VS10

    Black Screens Here. Should go to 1080p 60. (TV Shows it is 1080p DV)

    4. Set HDR to Auto
    5. Set Compatibility Mode to Standard DV
    6. Set HDR to VS10
  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    So even if it black screens at that point, just click <down> 3 times then <enter> and that should get you to Auto.
    Mariusz likes this.
  14. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    Managed to get through the procedure even with black screen on step 3 but the GUI is still buggy with black screens like in my video. Info button says it's 2160p30 RGB 8bits and TV says 2160p DV which is correct.

    Thanks for your suggestions I will try playing with settings again in different orders over the next few days. I fear it can only be fixed with firmware though and the developers can't seem to reproduce the problem so it might be specific to 2016 Dolby Vision TV's.
  15. Konstantin91

    Konstantin91 New Member

    Hello again!
    have a question: if i stay 1)vs10 for hdr (hdr setup) and standard dv(compatible on) or 2)lldv for all (hdr setup) and standard dv(compatible on)is it correct ? or i must stay lldv(compatible off).
    is it correct to have lldv from vs10 and then use standard mode, but not lldv? is there any difference? have no questions for native dv content(use standard),only for hdr to dv
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    If you set LLDV for all then the compatibility Mode has no affect so it doesn't matter which you set.

    For other HDR modes, when you output Dolby Vision, you can choose whichever Compatibility Mode you prefer.

    So if you set Compatibility Mode to Standard, you will get standard DV from "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine" and "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine for HDR" and LLDV for "Dolby Vision Low Latency (LLDV....)" assuming your TV supports Standard DV and LLDV

    If your TV is LLDV only (Sony) then set Compatibility Mode to LLDV.
    Mariusz and Konstantin91 like this.
  17. Konstantin91

    Konstantin91 New Member

    Thank you for your help and support!;)
    As i understood, black levels will be ok in Dolby Vision VS10 Engine for HDR and Dolby Vision Low Latency (LLDV....) too (if we have dv display),yes?
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, that's right
  19. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Why don't you add a new chapter for "Optimized Audio output" using an AMP or Sound-bar.
  20. elpablo

    elpablo New Member

    Yes, I'm in the game too o_O :D
    Thanks to both of you for all the tests, informations and valuable tips :)
    Markswift2003 likes this.

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