Picture Quality of Z9X vs X8

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Plantunes, Aug 8, 2021.

  1. Plantunes

    Plantunes New Member

    Hi. I just installed a Z9X.
    I owned I marvellous X8 that gave me hours and hours of wonderfull HDR and Atmos movies...
    Amazon had a promo for the Z9X and I bought one wondering that somehow I was going to see on my LG Oled something a little better that I had in terms of picture quality.
    Not expecting to be out of this world...but better.
    But to be honest...something is not clearly right.
    The movies clearly lack brightness...they are not as crisp as the X8 was.
    Seeing the 4k HDR Lord of the Rings Trilogy, where I saw amazing pictures on the X8...I now see somewhat of dull images.
    Probably factory setting needing to be tuned.
    Can someone tell me what should I do???
    By the way, the cables are exactly the same....i just took the X8 from the spot where it was and put the Z9X with the same cables as they are purely compatible and I use Top Notch Hdmi cables so the problem does not come from there.
    The firmware is updated...so I believe it remains settings only.
    Or is the quality picture of the Z9X that many different from the X8 that I'm about to be disapointed?
  2. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not sure what's going on here, but no, there's definitely no degradation in image quality between the old 1295 boxes and the newer ones.

    I don't have an X8 but I do have an X9S which has the same SOC and a Z9S with the later 1296 and the image quality is marginally improved over both with the Z9X. Difficult to see in real world content to be honest, but test patterns show a difference.

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