New version v6.4.68 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000/NEOS /NEO Alpha/NEO X release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    No idea.

    Glad you got to the bottom of it.
  2. Ben602

    Ben602 New Member

    I did the update over the weekend and I'm now encountering an odd issue that only occurs on the Zidoo. When watching content or browsing my poster wall withing 6-10 minutes it puts the Projector in sleep mode. I just have to tap the remote on the Projector for the picture to come back up. As stated this only occurs on the Zidoo all other sources have no issue. I checked the usual spots like sleep timer, wallpaper etc. Anybody have any ideas?
    ToniBas1 likes this.
  3. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Thanks mate all good now. I updated to the latest SmartTube beta today and all is working well. No more chipmunks.

    I’m wondering if setting output in Zidoo setting to 1080p 24Hz introduced some conflict with the SmartTube settings?
  4. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    It's possible. as Smarttube will not trigger a framerate change on the Zidoo DR or BD players.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
  5. ofir

    ofir Member

    I wish zidoo would improve and release new versions as often as SmartTube
    In SmartTube it is possible to support 4k hdr in video
    and in dolby digital in sound
  6. iqfiskmos

    iqfiskmos New Member

    Do you need to update all the new updates or is it enough with the latest one? I haven't updated since the Zidoo's confirmed update 2022 (v6.4.42)
  7. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Just update to the latest fw version.
  8. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    Did you get this figured out?

    I'm tempted to grab this, but my Z9X has been running well on .62 and don't know if I should poke the bear here as mine is routed to a projector too.

    I've also seen claims of lowered DV brightness by an LG CX owner and I own the same TV, so some nerves there as I also feed that with the Z9X, but I only saw one person claiming that.
  9. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Simple answer for a simple question: if you got issues to solve (if workaround you'll find them), update, otherwise as owner of the box, stay where you are!!
  10. waleed787

    waleed787 New Member

    hi all
    Since I updated the latest version v6.4.68_G
    I don't know if the problem it's from the update itself or from something else because it happened to me long time ago when I update my synology it worked but now when I went to Sonology to make sure it's updated it is updated but the problem still exists the problem is whenever I play anything on my projector the screen will pause for a couple seconds and it keep doing that The whole movie but if I play on the tv it do something else the screen little bit scratch and that's it does not stop like the projector so did anyone face this kind of issue thank you.
  11. oha

    oha New Member

    Z9X file transfer error.. I am having issues while moving files on zidoo z9x.. external harddisk connected via usb 3.0 port.. and all i do is move a file (a song file like 200 mb flac) from a folder to another location and it gives an error on screen saying "error transferring file" or something like that.. and THE PROBLEM IS .. when I GO BACK TO THIS LOCATION WHERE I STARTED TRANSFERRING FILE.. THE FILE DOESNT EXIST ANYMORE... !!! SHEAT !!!.. any suggestions ????
  12. ToniBas1

    ToniBas1 New Member

    The same issue for me after 68 fw with an lg c1 on poster wall after 5 min or more
    I back to 62 waiting for a solution
    Ben602 likes this.
  13. Saleel Mali

    Saleel Mali New Member

    Updated the Version. But Somehow Each time its not giving the Output. The TV says No HDMI Connection. I checked everything. I have to change to 1080p by remote and then switch to 4K
    I have LG OLED C9PTA 4K UHD TV. I have to try harder to get the Screen. It was not happened on .62 version.
    I have put auto in resolution and 3840x2160 30 Hz. What is the issue?
  14. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Any reason for 30hz? Have you tried setting it at 60hz?
  15. martinstraka8282

    martinstraka8282 Active Member

    I've had this issue on .62 pop up for me twice. I was cycling resolutions to 1080P to get it to pass signal, but it would go no input again when going back to 4k.

    I have mine going through an AVR before my LG CX and I can't remember which did it exactly, but changing the HDMI port settings in my Yamaha AVR made it work again. It was set correctly initially, so not sure what's happening there. *Knocks wood* It hasn't happened since the last one about a month ago.
  16. Ben602

    Ben602 New Member

    So the issue occurred twice on two different startups. I though I would have to downgrade the firmware or get a new box. Rather frustrating issue that would dissuade me from the brand. I don't want a newer version as they don't do 3d and I have close to 200+ titles. In any case several days later I powered it on and crossed my fingers and it has yet to occur again. I haven't had any issues thus far. I didn't really do anything in the settings as everything seemed fine.
  17. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    Recently I upgraded my soundbar but I still dont have a DD+ passthrough in IEC mode? I tried to connect my Z9X directly to my TV then put it in my soundbar... nothing's changed. Tried to switch to RAW but there's a lot of issue like audio cut etc. Is it a firmware issue? Can anyone fix it? PLEASE?
  18. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    It should work, but, as I no longer use ZDMC since HT5 was released, I can't help.
    azon1951 likes this.
  19. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    It may be more your soundbar capabilities and perhaps its settings.
    A lot of soundbars cannot process some common codecs (and this varies greatly between manufacturers and models), including DTS, TrueHD and E-AC3 and certainly bitstream audio (RAW).
    What soundbar did you upgrade to?
  20. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    I'm using Samsung Q60R before which only support Dolby Digital & DTS 5.1. Now I have Samsung Q800D. TrueHD with Atmos working fine. I'm just hoping to have DD+ because most of early movie releases specially series has dd+ audio. I tried AC3 Transcoding but Atmos is not working.
    Should I reset my Z9X? I remembered that I upgraded it's firmware like 3x already without resetting it...
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024

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