New version 1.2.50/1.2.80 for DMP-A6/DMP-A8 release

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by mirror, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    iPad has this symbol:


    That turns it into this:


    But of course, you need to be in horizontal view which is set on the ‘front screen of the app’:

    Alan Rutlidge, Womaz and zipe like this.
  2. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    Switch back to Portrait mode and Cast back to full size displayed in Landscape. I also find it a bit more responsive to screen presses when like this.
    Alan Rutlidge likes this.
  3. EverSoloist

    EverSoloist New Member

    New version just works great on the DMP-A6. The EQ feature is marvelous and perfectly integrated. Maybe you could increase the precision of the supported Q values from one to two digits (1.x --> 1.xy)!
  4. snafu

    snafu New Member

    I'm not sure what "Squeeze Connect" is. But if I go to my LMS Squeezebox server's webpage I see the DMP-A6 now listed as a player. I used it for various flac and even DSD files and it seemed to work perfectly.
    Nutul likes this.
  5. Delpo74

    Delpo74 Member

    Awesome, updated just now 1.2.50 via OTA.
    In principle, everything works perfectly, Tidal, Qobuz, Local Music, RP, etc... and the eq function is tremendous.

    Thank you development team, it is a pleasure to have a product with this support behind it. :)
  6. bien

    bien New Member

    I still hope to see Dolby Atmos compatibility appear via Amazon via HDMI!
    Spizz, Screamie and Mastersoundz like this.
  7. Jan Magne

    Jan Magne New Member

    Hi: I just updated my A6 ME to the latest version. 1.2.50. But now the A6 seems much slower, and I still can se my music files on my internal disk, but they will NOT PLAY. Also the new EQ is not showing at all.
    Any ideas what to do? Thanks in advance.
  8. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Try to reboot the machine. switch off by rear-switch, unplug, and then backwards.
  9. Screamie

    Screamie New Member

    I hope so too!
    Lazarus likes this.
  10. Alan Rutlidge

    Alan Rutlidge Well-Known Member

    Thank you. It now works full screen in CAST mode. :)
  11. One thing still is not functioning: I put several CD sampler into the artist sort "Various Artists". When I open the artist view, only 100 items been visible, it stops in my collection with the albums beginning with "C". There are 297 items in the folder. This has to be changed.
  12. Jan Magne

    Jan Magne New Member

    Thanks - but did not help .
  13. Jan Magne

    Jan Magne New Member

    Thanks - but still not works.
    Xyzzy likes this.
  14. neoitata

    neoitata Member

    Something really, really wrong with external HDD drive readnig after update. A6 freezing when start to read external disk.
    Tottaly blackout, display black and nothing happened.
    Can you check it @mirror ?
    Thanks in advance.
  15. The Moog

    The Moog Active Member

    @mirror The volume synchronisation between the A6 and LMS is definitely not working correctly. I turned off the start-up volume setting and left this at default, and just power cycled the A6 a few times, changing the volume each time to see what happened when it started up:

    I set the volume on the A6 to -40 and rebooted; started at -40, then the large volume graphic appeared and set the volume to -28.5.
    I set the volume on the A6 to -80 and rebooted; started at -80, then the large volume graphic appeared and set the volume to -100.
    I set the volume on the A6 to -50 and rebooted; started at -50, then the large volume graphic appeared and set the volume to -35.5.

    I then used Squeeze Controller on my tablet to change the volume in LMS to see what the A6 did:

    Setting the volume in LMS to -100 showed -100 on the A6, and setting the volume to -100 on the A6 showed -100 in LMS. Doing the same at 0 also shoed the same on both, so maximum and minimum volumes sync correctly.
    I set the volume to around 1/4 in Squeeze Controller. The A6 displayed -65, but then setting the volume to -65 on the A6 resulted in an LMS volume of -45.5, so not matching.
    I set the volume to around 1/2 in Squeeze Controller. The A6 displayed -35.5, but then setting the volume to -35.5 on the A6 resulted in an LMS volume of -25.5, so not matching.
    I set the volume to around 3/4 in Squeeze Controller. The A6 displayed -13, but then setting the volume to -13 on the A6 resulted in an LMS volume of -8.5, so not matching.

    It looks like both extents of the volume range are right, but that there is lots on non-linearity across the range. This is why the A6 isn't starting up at the same volume it was left at as it looks like it is syncing with LMS but the settings don't match. It is also fairly dangerous, as if you use LMS to change the volume after setting in on the A6, this mismatch can cause the volume to suddenly jump with just a small change in setting.

    Setting a start-up volume in the A6 should also override a previous LMS setting (which it doesn't currently look to do), as this should be considered the last volume change and therefore be synced across LMS.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
  16. Matild

    Matild New Member

    This new version for android phone not so good.
    I never had problems before, but now every now and then the interface freezes or the music starts stuttering. The eq options were ok, but now when I go to eq everything is black for about 10 seconds, then the settings appear.
  17. Rob.W

    Rob.W New Member

    After installing latets firmware on my DMP-A6 this morning, internet radio stops playing strangely every half hour?
  18. Bonobo

    Bonobo New Member

    And here is my story:
    After I manually installed the 1.2.37_ALPHA I had issues and wanted to go back to the latest stable version, but that is not possible. I complained about that fact in the forum and a few days later my DMP-A6 suddenly had the 1.2.40_BETA version installed. But I did't do anything in between! I didn't touch the device.
    And I'm sure, I don't suffer from dementia or so...
  19. pnjunction

    pnjunction Member

    Oh, What a wonderful update! After applying it A6 refuse to play anything! It's totally unworkable.
    Reset is useless. Thank you, Eversolo.
  20. N00brx

    N00brx Member

    This update broke my LMs connect, whenever I play any other streaming service or open any app. The A6 will no longer be discovered by LMS server, even reboot the LMS won’t work. Can only be reboot A6 or so to streaming>Squeeze connect and reconnect the server to get discover again

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