Then everything is fine, IMO. Only things to consider: 1. embedded album art is always IGNORED 2. front.jpg NEEDS to be the picture to display A bit limiting, IMO, as many prefer the embedded album art, as different players prefer different image names... True is also that different audio files use (must use) different tagging systems; and satisfying them all could be challenging... for instance MP3s use ID3v2 tag, as DSF / DFF files do. Difference being the MP3s have the tag at the very beginning of the file (offset 0) while the DSFs have a field in their header which specifies the offset in the file (usually at the end, but not always) where such tag begins... And there are soooo many other audio formats and tagging schemes...
You oversimplify again: 1) It works different for the 3 play methods resulting in different preferences. No embedded art is definitely not ignored. Some of my Top-2000 collections are tagged with each single cover per title. These play gorgeous without being scanned (creates a zillion of artists). There are no other images of any type in the folder. Moving all art work to a subfolder /Art may do the trick? 2) Next to Folder.jpg also Cover.jpg, Front.jpg and artist.album.jpg (=matching the folder name) is used automatically. These are the 4 most common formats widely used. Programs and persons may claim 1 being the (best/only) standard but for sure that is not the case. I refuse to dig into the multiple tagging methods and standards. Up to the software developers to get that correct. Stick like glue to just 2 formats being MP3 (compressed) or FLAC (lossless) for also that reason. Anything in other formats is always converted as the first action using XRECODE3 which does an oustanding job there. Using tagging with DFF is a bit complicated at it is not supported (but DST compression yes) in contrary to DSF which allows tags the SACD ISO standard way. Always use the original SACD ISO's (nicely compressed, tagged and 2CH & 6CH in one) which works just fine for me.
Look this is simple i have my albums with artwork embedded into every track, should be no reason to pull image from any other folder first. Every streamer can do this even my trusted old rasberry pie can. No way am i going through 4000+ albums retagging or moving to a folder called artwork somewhere seperate. I need an answer within next 2 days if devs will look into this otherwise im sending unit back not for me. Thanks
You seem to have done a very nice job on this. Was always too lazy to do this consistently. My folder structure is consistent though allowing for automation. I understand your statement perfectly. You tried turning "Priority Local Image" OFF/ON under the "Scan" library options? These options are only accessible using the Front Panel or the Scan option using Eversolo controller. Main => Music => Setup => Scan Also esenttial to backup/restore or clear cache or reset that database. Consider this a bit hidden myself and should be adedd to regular setup.
I think Local ON means use the file in the folder by preference. Turning it OFF and rescanning may bring what you want?
mmm ok trying now will take awhile. Priority Local Image you would think use local images not internet. Have i misread that?
Using Internet or not is another option "Matching mode". I think "Priority local image" refers to "Priority image in Local Folder" here? The text here definitely needs an update to make it unambigous. These options are also missing in the manual.
yea good idea but started scan now so will just leave it running. im confident will work. If not will be back moaning hehe
Hello friends of money and ears, I got my DMP yesterday and Roon native DSD MCH works perfectly over HDMI to my Denon AVR. As you can see, my thought is working on that. Just a small cable and a few hundred bucks later and I'm very happy!! I just hope Roon doesn't program it because he's Roon ready and afterwards it's only possible to convert it to PCM. To get to the point, you can see that it works. So far, the Roon side has always said that it's due to Zidoo/Eversolo etc. if it doesn't work anymore at some point, you know the culprit (hopefully not arriving). Best regards, your native DSD MCH listener Willy
Native player app improvement, currently when you go to a genre it only shows the tracks listed. Would love to see Artist, Album and tracks tab at the top (Similar to how the Artist view has tabs for Album and tracks). Very limited in its current form.
Hi @mirror. Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, with this update I lost the capability to change the Volume of the DMP A6 using my Smartphone and Tidal connect. This worked great with the previous version. Just today I updated to the latest version 1.1.75 hoping it would have reverted that loss, but the problem still persists. Could you please look into this and bring back the feature ? Thanks much for your support
Today i turn on my A6 and he prompt me that there is a new fw version OTA, newer than 1.70. Am i missing something ? Here i cannot find the "mirror's" link with changelogs, so....don't know what is new on that version.
Yes, a new firmware was released a few days ago, it’s mostly for the Roon Ready certification along with few other “optimisations” so it’s a somewhat minor update. Firmware v1.1.75 Changelogs: system 1. Optimized the problem of occasionally entering safe mode 2. Optimized the problem that the music service playback mode is wrong 3. Optimized the filter function of the music service Qobuz 4. Optimized the music service Qobuz sorting function 5. Optimized ROON Ready function 6. Optimized the problem that the Apple CD drive is not recognized 7. Optimized the Alibaba Cloud mobile phone login function 8. Optimized system stability