New firmware v1.0.22 for ZIDOO X6 release

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by mirror, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    3D is a important point.but not all.a lot of boxes can't support 3D,But does not affect their best sellers.
    X6‘s user group are not always for media player.maybe you dont care but somebody care.
    ZIDOO X6 is the first android box support 3D MVC fremepacking via kodi and follow GPL.Itself is a great progress, which directly promotes the 3D function of PI2's open source project
    We knew had a promiss, you also see us work hard now.We have our own development plan.If you can have some more constructive comments,and not always endless questioning, the development of some things will be better.
    Some things are not always immediate,It takes some time. hope you understand
  2. Movie78

    Movie78 Member Beta test group

    So to answer your question passthrough/Bitstream
  3. skank

    skank Member Beta test group

    But a 3d movie played in 2d is a core feature!
    It doesnt play in 2d it stops !
  4. jvanhambelgium

    jvanhambelgium Member Beta test group

    Ok, so far my testing with 1.0.22 is actually not that bad :

    -> Performed update and after that went to Android -> Setting -> Factory Settings and cleared the whole device
    -> Played various 2D content :

    - Large VC1 files, no issues, no sound pops,clicks or something
    - BR-Folder (Avatar 2D), no issues (MakeMKV RIP from my original Avator BR-discs)
    - BR-ISO (IMAX Chronos movie) , no real issues, smooth picture, no sound issues
    - JellyFish MKV demo's at 60Mbps / 120Mbps ... after the initial buffering, even the 120Mbps played smoothly from begin to end
    - DVD-ISO , again the AUDIO/VIDEO sync ... I've played with KODI and if you set AUDIO AHEAD 450ms then all is "in sync" again. Did not notice any AUDIO/VIDEO (lip)sync issues with any other content then DVD-ISO images

    All in all the device has been playing 2,5hours straight and did not experience any crashes, reboot, hanging or something.
    I never saw any "artefacts" showing up.

    So ... are we really improving here or what ? :p
  5. K Munir

    K Munir New Member

    This is great stuff. I also updated the device last night, tried a few MKV files (full HD only) and did not notice any issues with playback. the only issue I experienced was with one of the Video Add Ons in Kodi (KingHD). One of the channels started streaming and when I wanted to go back, it got stuck and I had to restart Kodi but that was about it. So it looks like there is significant improvement. Good work by all involved. Will try and test a few more videos today. Boy I badly need to upgrade my tv to a 4K one now :)
  6. jvanhambelgium

    jvanhambelgium Member Beta test group

    At the moment, I did not take the time to really look in detail at picture quality, compared to let's say my MED8ER device.
    Didn't notice any brutal artefacts like I saw in the 1.0.16 release for example.

    I'm not doing any 4K testing or 3D testing.
    I have a 3D AVR/Epson projector, so I might test a few files, but 3D does not interest me.
  7. Antonis L.

    Antonis L. New Member

    Can someone please verify that Explorer shows external subtitles just fine after the upgrade to the new firmware? I have tried several movies with Greek subtitles and English ones (same filename of the .srt with the video file for the Greek and "filename.en.extension" for the English) but the Explorer's subtitles menu on the left seems to be blank.

    Thank you for your remarks!
  8. portokali00

    portokali00 Member

    Looks like very difficult job to watch a moovie with x6 ...
  9. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    Not at all...
  10. portokali00

    portokali00 Member

    I hope so , byt if can 't see the subtitle file it seems difficult !!!!
  11. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    you can play it in kodi.
  12. portokali00

    portokali00 Member

    Thank you
  13. Antonis L.

    Antonis L. New Member

    Mirror, for reasons unknown to me, the playback with Kodi was a bit choppy/jerky at times, but I don't want to blame the device, since I did not try another external hard disk (maybe it's the hard disk to blame).

    Still, and if someone don't want to utilize Kodi for instance, does the Explorer play external subtitles (.srt) with the latest firmware? Can you verify please?
  14. Rew452

    Rew452 Member Beta test group

    Mirror, While I see some improvement in this release; mainly with HDMI sound passthrough I still have
    sound being out of sync in HDHomeRun Kodi add-on.
    Sound is 0.600s ahead as it has been through all releases so far.

    This work fine on the Nvidia Shield ATV

    Sound sync with Mkv seem good using Emby for playback

    Kodi somewhat sluggish, really so with auto framerate enabled

    Still no Color format selections, default is still YCbCr 4:4:4; this should be selectable

    Power Standby is still unreliable, may work fine for a day but leaving it in Standby overnight, have to pull power and reboot to recover.
  15. Domengo

    Domengo New Member

    All in Kodi 15.2
    1) PCM multichanel still Downmix 2.0 in passthrough state.....:(
    2) Still 30 hz and audio out off sync problems with 29.976 and Dvd Iso. Hw acceleration seems still don't work
    - No more video artefacts ;)
    - 3D working :cool:
    - No audio issues on passthrough, no echos. :)
    - Great NTFS fix!!!!!
    You are in the right way, but a lot work remaining :oops:
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  16. skank

    skank Member Beta test group

    Domengo you say 3d working, are the 3d bugs gone then? Havent had time tot test yet
  17. Domengo

    Domengo New Member

    I tried only a bd.iso 3d and it worked with audio not sync. Not mkv yet.
  18. nakata

    nakata Member Beta test group

    Confirmed,explorer's (local) media player can't see external subtitles no matter the encoding type
    Antonis L. likes this.
  19. Antonis L.

    Antonis L. New Member

    Thank you nakata for verifying! :)

    I know that there's always Kodi, but still the internal media player should be able to provide such essential features. Explorer seems more straightforward, less troublesome and potentially user friendly (considering that it's not that complicated) compared to Kodi and being able to play external subtitles should have been obviously a basic and already implemented function.

    Hope that you include this in a next firmware, since it's important to all your non-english users out there.
  20. jvanhambelgium

    jvanhambelgium Member Beta test group

    Hmm, so I slightly have to withdraw some optimism ;-)
    I've checked some BR (folder structure) and MKV and AUDIO/VIDEO sync problems *ARE* present too, so not on DVD-ISO only !

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