Improvements/Wishlist for Posterwall (HT 4.0)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Sledgehamma, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. My posters are saved in local and I told HT to use local images first...yet, it still downloads stuff to the custom folder. I have no idea why. I have artwork for everything.

    I don't think the new scan is replacing anything but its doing something in the background as it keeps refreshing the poster wall. I have a big library and these aren't quick scans. I have no idea what this program is doing in the background. Is there a log I can tail to see what its up to?

    I have "automatically scan devices" and "automatic updating sources" enabled.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  2. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Posted this in another request thread for HT4 - so will cover my bases!

    Don't know if this has been requested before but I would like to ask for ability to rename a multi episode TV series blurays so HT displays all the episodes on the disk. So for example
    The Leftovers.S02E01S02E02S02E03S02E04S02E05


    The Leftovers.S02E01.S02E02.S02E03.S02E04.S02E05

    Would scrape to show The Leftovers Season 2 episodes 1 to 5 on HT4.

    Currently the initial scrape does no recognise the correct series - but assigns it to a move called The Leftovers from 1986. I have to manually rematch and it will then pick up the TV series but will only add the first episode (S02E01).
    Enet, AngryVirginian and Sledgehamma like this.
  3. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Good point! I think I requested it some time ago but forgot all about it!
    Plus, it’s not only important for Discs but also for multi episodes, as this happens for some TV shows as well.
  4. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    What I never understood with multi-episode files is, how will the Watching status be managed? If it created 5 episodes in the list, will it mark all 5 as complete once you watch the file?

    I don't expect the player will recognize when one episode ends and another starts, so marking them off as you work through them seems like it wouldn't be possible.
  5. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    For disc menu playback there is no way for the player to know.
    For the multi episode I have to check but I remember that for both episodes the same file is associated with it. So once E01 is finished and you want to play E02 it is the same Episode at the same timestamp.
    Six66Mike likes this.
  6. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    The Info screen while playback has some inconsistencies as well:
    For TMDB it shows the season summary and for TheTVDB and TVMaze it doesn't show anything. It seems that only TMDB has summary of the seasons while the others don't have it.
    Nevertheless, it should state the summary of the playing episode and not of the season.
    Also, only TMDB displays a rating (I assume its for the TV show). TheTVDB and TVMaze don't show a rating at all. This rating should be the rating of the playing episode as well.

    This is the current behaviour for all three scrapers:

    This is ideally how it should be:

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    What is the option play sound in settings Auto Trailer option in H.T.v4

    play auto trailers /
    Play sound only …..?
    Does Play sound just auto plays sound of trailer only in background on poster Art ?
    As does seem to do nothing .

    just wondered what its meant to do or its not working fully yet ?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You can choose to autoplay trailers or soundtrack (movieName-soundtrack.mp3 .wav .flac)

    You have "Trailer Audio" On/Off which is self explanatory

    You also have "List Interface auto plays soundtracks" - I assume that is to play movieName-soundtrack.mp3 only in List mode but it doesn't seem to work...


    Actually, "List Interface auto plays soundtracks" confusingly plays the soundtrack in the Poster Wall...
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
    DELUCAS likes this.
  9. feherzaj51

    feherzaj51 Member

    Have a transition between MOVIES and TV folders. Because TMDB is stronger than TVDB. For example, in the biographical film SCHUMACHER you will find both, but only TMDB will throw it up in the search. The documentary is placed in the Movies folder.
    Mabon likes this.
  10. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member


    There seems to be a mismatch for categories between TheTVDB and what HT displays.

    Example: TV Show Lost (

    TheTVDB states:

    While HT displays the following:

    For TVMaze and TMDb the categories are fine.
    lawdawg likes this.
  11. Djn04

    Djn04 New Member

    Is there any way to customize the sidebar? I only use the z9x for uhd Blu ray would love to remove a lot of the other options from the sidebar.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sorry, no.

    The sidebar was the old way of categorising the poster walls before Classification Mode was introduced. Widgets then replaced the sidebar but it's still included in "ALL" for convenience.
  13. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    And I hope that they will keep it. Very usefull, especially the history category

    But I agree that it could be nice to be able to customize it with a mix of our categories + the default ones. In my personal use, Blu-Ray, 3D and Kids are not used and I would love to replace them with other categories (dolby vision, animation…).
  14. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    The Zidoo haphazardly sometimes splits two posters of the same film into separate posters (eg: Godzilla 3D and 4K). I understand that the default is for both films to be under one poster. But why not have the ability to add something to the filename to select a particular files to be separate on purpose? That way we can see which version has been watched rather than both being unwatched.
  15. BearOS

    BearOS New Member

    Am I missing a setting that excludes concerts from the Movie category given that Concerts has it’s own category? Technically, concerts are considered movies, but it would be nice to separate the two.
  16. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    To visualize how it would look like for multi episode. In this case it’s S01E01E02 but only E01 gets indexed and E02 is missing.
  17. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    I requested this a while back. My only current workaround is just to choose episode one for each disc which is terrible.
  18. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    changed/added first post so that all info is summarised there. Please let me know if further information is needed.
  19. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    added no 15:

    categories section on main page should only include movies.

    See Infuse implementation as example:
    lawdawg and AngryVirginian like this.
  20. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Pressing "play" button on collections or TV show overview doesn't work (doesn't do anything).



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