Immersive mode

Discussion in 'General Development' started by DragonFly, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. DragonFly

    DragonFly Member

    I'm curious, Zidoo

    How does Zidoo implement system wide immersive mode? (NO nav bar and NO status/notification bar)

    It's not in the launcher because other launcher also don't show status and nav bar.
    Is it in the build.prop ore somerhing else?
  2. warren_wh

    warren_wh Active Member Staff Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

  3. DragonFly

    DragonFly Member

    Perhaps you misunderstand me....
    I don't want/need a statusbar/navbar. A device like the X9 should be treated as an appliance, just as your average DVD player. Click and Go, Set and Forget.

    If I wanted bars I'd use an Android tablet or phone. Therefore there is really no need to use the underlying Android OS. I just wanted to now how you guys disabled/hide the statusbar/navbar on the X9 (and 6 or 1)

    Haven't used the latest firmware because of issues that are not really solved yet. But if I did could the bars be disabled in the latest firmware?

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