Hide HDMI Screen for apps

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by natzen, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

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  2. Bogdan

    Bogdan Member

    Hi! Please keep up with this! I can live with some kodi restarts and passthrough problems, but for me it is very important to have this solved ☺.
    It's a mater of marriage go or no go :).
    natzen likes this.
  3. spring

    spring Guest

    ok, we will change it.
  4. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    me tooooooo
  5. spring

    spring Guest

    pls use this apk test, when you click the button, it will pop "change hdmi state success". tell me if or not.

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  6. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    not work :-(
  7. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    but i have last ROM ans it's write no have root ...

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  8. spring

    spring Guest

    when you click the button, dont reboot the X6, and the HDMI state will be not read, when you reboot the device , HDMI state will be RW.
  9. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    i change for rooted rom ... Wait minutes
  10. spring

    spring Guest

    we use the apk set this command:
    chmod 000 /sys/devices/virtual/display/HDMI/enable
    and the apk have no permission to read the HDMI state,
    but if you reboot the device, and it will become 666, so if you want use HBO, you should into this apk,and click the button first.
  11. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    not work too with rooted rom
  12. cobra78

    cobra78 Member

    What about file /sys/devices/virtual/switch/hdmi/state modify from '1' to '0' like it worked on KitKat with Virtual HDMI Switch app for all Android devices in the past?
    or is /sys/devices/virtual/display/HDMI/enable file the correct one on Lollipop?

    Also try installing ROM Toolbox Lite app.
    Then in Autostart Manager app inside ROM Toolbox Lite, you can modify the HDMIBroadcastReceiver intent to disable it per app settings, only work for some apps that have that.
  13. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    it's like kitkat but on zidoo x6 it's impossible to modify state from 1 to 0
  14. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

  15. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    you know if it's possible to patched kernel with write permission for all files in /sys ? is not work because impossible even root explorer to allow write permission for state file ...
  16. Bogdan

    Bogdan Member

    Tried the apk also, not working. All possible combinatios start/reboot simulta eously etc. HBO Go same message to disconnect external display. Tried to modify the state flag to 0 but no write permissions. Thanks for now ... but still looking for support. Enjoy!
  17. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    i wait since 2 month ... i'm disapointed
  18. spring

    spring Guest

    we change the new apk, pls test it.

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  19. natzen

    natzen Member Beta test group

    not work but your apk not demand root access ...maybe not work because no root access for apk
  20. Bogdan

    Bogdan Member

    Hello! Not working. However the HDMI state looks different.

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