Still nothing no menu on hdmi in app, how can I record a file from my camera, that was my main goal for buying this unit,i installed the app from the x9s, but dos not work, installs ok but freezes . Any help will be much appreciated
It seems that the x20 has been put out on sale to early. I also bought the x20 today as a replacement for a x9s that has HDMI in recording. For a tv box costing four times that of a x9s I would have expected better, including HDMI IN recording Looks like one step forward and two back. No Utube No means that I can see to download other apps. Retailer said it will have HDMI IN recording sometime. Not really good enough no usefull instructions supplied.
I am using the x9s ( that I still have) as a work around. record from my Camcorder into x9s HDMI in onto a large usb stick. Then transfer to the x20 via it's usb port. Not very satisfactory ,but does the job while we are waiting fw updates.
I have just been informed that zidooo x20 will not be given a update for Hdmi in record. They say it is illegal. Dont know how it is illegal to record my own camcorder movies. Wish I had known before purchase
Only recording HDCP protected material should be illegal. Just blocking that should be adequate. Most smart-TV's and STB's have provisions for recording and/or time-shifting.
Nice Monkey I still find it strange that the x9s and x10 both have Hdmi in recording. The x20 is three hundred +pounds more than the x9s with less features. Can't even sell on the x9s as now needed to record . I think it will affect sales of the x20 once it is known no record. and a lot of money
Still no word re HDMI in recording I see. Yet I can record from my Smart TV through its USB port. That appears to be legal.
Maybe it has to do with the apk file of the 1295 revb and 1296 chipsets. I conclude to this since the Dune Pro 4K has the same behavior
As far as I am concered it is a step backwards from the x9s. Had it not been that I had paid out a lot of momey for two large hard drives I would have returned it. Very upset about it to say the least. All my camcorder and Nikon movies have to be trasfered to pc then to usb or hd then trasfered back to x20. What a unnessesary pain. On a brighter note the picture and music is very good
You are correct. The older line-up show the way we want the HDMI in to function. Hopefully there will be a solution soon. Looks like a SDK issue.
No it is reported as a legal issue by Zidoo and recording probably won't come back on any RTD1296 platform. Maybe at least PIP can be offered? Started a new thread on that.
Just as well I did not sell my x9s before the x20 arrived. I have not seen an official reply from Zidoo saying it is illegal to have HDMI in recording , only rumours. Keeping very quite about it. Worried it will affect their sales as it is something that a lot of people wanted and thought they were getting. The HDMI IN IS JUST A SALES PITCH.
HDCP contents can not be record by zidoo, non protect material will be recordable. In the dawn of X9S there was a HDCP ripper for Zidoo but will not be available anymore. In this way Zidoo is in perfectly legal with is HDMI adopter agreement. To be able and illegally record protect material on Zidoo device, third party switch or splitter must be use. An other aspect will be that Zidoo won't record even with third party device HD sound, only 2.0 channel will be record, in other word Zidoo is not a device capable of ripping HD video in their full quality.
I have allready stated,as have others .The x20 will NOT record any thing I only wanted to record my own material
What I am saying is that the x20 does not have a record facility at all. not that it does not record .It cannot My x9s does.
Zidoo zidoo zidoo, you will have to wait for firmware release... But good news update are just very soon!
It is suggested that it is illegal to fit a record facility, thats strange as the x9s will not record HDCP out of the box. As you say a third party device is required for it to record protected material, so as it stands the x9s is surely not illegal . Nore would the x20 be. it is I guess the third party use that is illegal but are freely available
Exactly, you can verify the legal status of Zidoo at: