According to my experience it is absolutely necessary to re-run "GappsInstaller-rtk-7.1_v1.2.4.apk" after any upgrade via OTA or USB. This regardless if you actually think/feel you want or need it. You only do not need to do so if you never used Google APP's! The player runs fine without GAPP's but some APP's you like to install yourself may require it. Once the GappsInstaller-rtk-7.1_v1.2.4.apk has been installed there is no need to re-install it with next FW updates (mostly) Gappsinstaller will be still there as an APP and just needs to be run once again. Quite simple actually once known (one click on it and all set to go again). A re-install may in fact not always go smooth: A) You need to uninstall first and next reinstall it. Will do in most cases B) In some cases also a Factory Reset is needed C) Worst case even an Emergency Flash with a ROM-image is needed followed with a successive upgrade to the latest (Beta) FW. The good news for everybody who tried is that it solved the instabilities. Not doing so you will run into several problems including serious instabilities: - The display keeps showing "Hello" - Eject is not available anymore. Simply does not pop-up anymore going left. In fact it may come after a very long time. This is the easiest check one can do! - Sound coming out 2CH only - Freezes during Video playback and USB3 disconnects - Etc...... Without doing so instabilities including freezes are to be expected. Always to be mentioned if you re-installed it when reporting a problem with this (or any other recent) FW Beta update. Very strange behavior and very confusing in my modest view. It should become installed automatically. Zidoo seems to be aware of this problem and advices to install it asap when buying their products via direct sales (it gets even mentioned on their sales slip).
Once more was confronted with this myself doing the FW 2.3.3 update. I in fact ignored my own warning! How stupid can one be? @mirror Can something be done about this? At least users should be warned! Please re-read my review for FW 2.3.3 as it was highly impacted by NOT re-installing it originally. It now reflects my findings after doing so which are a lot more positive. Again needed and done after installing FW 2.3.7 as expected.