Feature Requests for Zidoo (X8/X9S/X10) - Waiting for zidoo revision

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by boblo, Jul 21, 2017.

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    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Ok cool will try tonight
    Thanks for that .

    Was that put in the new 1.4.12 firmware release ?

    Using an air mouse it may work but can it be highlited using a remote the conventional way ?
  2. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    It been there for a while, I always use it.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Ok will give it a go im using X10

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Ok power off bar i could not find or activate etc using my remote or bluetooth remote .
    But i found a new power icon in apps .
    Which i never saw before so that is now on my home screen so all sorted now .

    Many thanks Sarco.
  5. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    At the botom of the screen there is a lot of icon ex screenshot, power and many more in status bar whois hiden. Just click at bottom main screen the status bar will raise or swipe from bottom. It will show if you do the same in upper screen also.
  6. circular

    circular Member

    some one can tell me please,
    the new remote control
    can learn 5 function or 4 function ?
    the second button (set button),when i use it learning need press it ,but after press it learning mode will end:(
  7. A.D.

    A.D. New Member

    You mean the one where Intel and Warner lost?
    What happened is that they beaten them and sued them back.
  8. polakis

    polakis Member

    Please make an option to play movies from quasar through external player not only zdmc. Thanks
  9. Phantomgnom

    Phantomgnom New Member


    my biggest wish is, to integrate a mount tool for smb and nfs shares like wetek has. This would avoid having the need to root the device to set a startup script. Mounting is required, having the path available for kodi/zdmc and the external zidoo player.

  10. trendkill

    trendkill New Member

    Please put External Subtitles As a default
    if i add an external subtitle file in the same name of the movie it should be loaded automatickly like all the streamers out there and like media player on windows and vlc player etc...
    thanks in advance
    i know alot of users who need this
  11. Hansjal

    Hansjal New Member

    Have 3D support for pictures as well, i.e. have a menu to activate 3D mode for Top-Bottom and Side-By-Side photos
    dft601 likes this.
  12. bob

    bob Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    If it is not HDR TV, it will automatically switch to SDR. If you feel that the color is wrong. Please try the following options.
    Thank you

  13. Hansjal

    Hansjal New Member

    Based on the highly favourable reviews about 3D support I ordered a ZidooX10. I received it last week. Until now it has been a disappointment. My main purpose has been to play 3D photos from my 3D Fuji camera.

    The disappointments are:

    - There appears to be no support at all for 3D photo formats (.mpo and .jps)

    - No 3D support for Top-Bottom or Side-By-Side photo formats

    - Image quality issues with photo display

    I will elaborate some more on the image quality issue here. Since the X10 does not support frame-packing for Top-Bottom formats I need to switch to 3D on my LG television, converting Top-Bottom to 3D format. In itself this is not a big deal. However, I can clearly see image quality issues on small details, these problems are similar to aliasing artefacts. It appears that there is also a difference between the default photo player (“Media Center”) and the built-in Kodi player (ZDMC). The latter player is somewhat better. I did a further image analysis with an image with a single pixel wide horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. It appears that with the default player the diagonal lines get blurred. The Kodi player appears to perform enhancement, resulting in overshoot and rinkles. Playing the photos straight from a disk to my TV is notably better and avoids these problems (the problem here being that I need to switch to 3D for each photo separately).

    This brings me to some questions

    - I could nowhere in the settings find an option to switch off processing. Did I miss it or is it really impossible to transfer the images to the TV without processing?

    - Is there a way to activate the 3D menu also for photo playback (allowing frame packing for Top-Bottom or Side-By-Side image formats)?

    - Is there a way to link a filename extension to a specific playback mode, so that mpo-format can automatically switch to 3D mode? Can this be realised via addons?
  14. dft601

    dft601 New Member

    Please allow to play movies in native resolution and let the TV upscale the video. My TV for examples does this very well.

  15. wesk05

    wesk05 Member Beta test group

    The point was Intel and group brought a lawsuit against LegendSky accusing them of promoting piracy alleging HDFury Integral was stripping HDCP 2.2. LegendSky was able to settle the countersuit because HDFury Integral wasn't actually stripping HDCP 2.2, but only downgrading it to 1.4. The fact at that time was there was a custom hack which indeed was stripping HDCP 2.2, but that wasn't officially provided by LegendSky. The outcome would have been different if indeed HDFury was stripping HDCP 2.2 with official firmware. Ace Deal paid $5.2 million and settled the lawsuit brought against them for the same reason because their device indeed stripped HDCP.
  16. mackie

    mackie New Member

    In the wifi hotspot settings can we have an option to change Wifi channel number/signal strength as by default it's on Channel 6 on 2.4 ghz band and it gets easily saturated by neighbors' routers that are on the same channel.
  17. SQtephdela

    SQtephdela New Member

    Support for Widevine L1 and others DRM
  18. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    That's not possible at this point
  19. ton_dahlia

    ton_dahlia Member

    Is it possible to turn on/off LED screen by some button on a remote control ? (I'm x10 user)
  20. pan88

    pan88 New Member

    Add Slow motion function for playing a media file.
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