Trying to get hold of the manual quickly and wondering if anyone can open one from the link on the website, as where I am it’s a broken link with an error message coming up. Conceivably this might just be for the UK or everywhere. If it is possible to post the manual that would be great.
Would be nice to have a manual. Thusfar none were made for Zidoo media players. Only some quickstart leaflets.
Because there is a link I can only assume there is one but the webpage link / loading of the pdf has an issue. I have told Eversolo.
Thanks very much. For everyone’s benefit , the link to the manual is now working on their website. Obviously so important to check out if the product is for you before you buy.
I am truly impressed. A real manual coming with it at release date. This is a must include for sure. Will read that one in detail. The first impression is that it looks fairly detailed. Not all setup parameters choices are shown yet and some English translation problems are found which is fine for me for a release 1.0 version. For now it is Chinese and English only other languages may be coming? The "Volume volume" parameter means the "Volume Graduality" (from 0.5 to 3 db per step/click). Still Song and Songs is used ocasional where Title/Titles or Track/Tracks are meant. Not all music pieces are songs I am sorry to say so. Page 43 still shows CD Riper on screen! This is promised to be fixed with the next manual update. Learned from that manual: - Page 42 Output port selection: suggests only 1 output method can be used concurrently? This is uncommon and for sure a restriction with some setups. I don´t like it personally as I use Analog for Stereo and HDMI for MCH albums. Let´s see how easy this can be toggled without needing to go via setup. In fact I would like the player optionally to even switch my AMP automatically between Analog (CD) and HDMI (Streamer) source ports with 2CH/MCH titels. - Analog RCA or XLR can be selected specifically next to using both. This is done for quality assurance is mentioned. Not a problem as such but a must be known thingy as it is neither common. - USB3c-OTG is a surprise for me as it can be convenient on occasions. - Very nice the screen brightness can be set (unlike being fixed on Neo models) - All digital inputs feed directly to the DAC (like Zidoo players) and can be output only via analog. Missing from the manual is how to lookup/edit lyric, album and track/album information from external CD databases. This referring to: Personalized music management, lyric matching and music data matching. Maybe this still needs to be launched as an update? The CD Ripper looks to do this via the CD serial-number only else manual editing is required it seems. Also vague remains how playback via file manager or from the library look like and how and when that library is actually is being build. Did not see gapless as a choice anywhere. But it is confirmed here to do gapless for 2CH/MCH PCM tracks. Neither see an equalizer. Not a fan of equalizers myself and my AMP is on Direct mostly but some like to use one. Doing this without a build-in DSP (Digital Signal Processor) is also debatable for me as it eats up a lot of resources when done in software. The player seems to come without a remote but is rumored to include an IR-port. Maybe a BT or RF (remote/keyboard) can be added? One is expected to use a smart-phone or tablet for control next to the front touch panel. Unfortunately as-is that APP is portrait only while the streamer itself is designed with landscape displays and controls. Consistency between the 2 is almost a must be capable. I do expect this to change in the near feature.
Another review here-
The manual seems to be created entirely using pictures. I can't using search or copy on text strings throughout the manual? The tag and album editing features were added with a recent firmware v1.1.46 update and as such indeed were not included in the manual v1.0 yet. Also confirmed a BT simple remote will be made available as an option. This for those wanting to use one. The SSD description section does not include specifications for the SSD neither a list of verified products guaranteed to be working.
With all the recent and forthcoming additional features, can we hope for a revised, updated User Manual?