EDID thread (RTD1619DR players)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    AV amps tend to get confused when two displays are connected and it sounds like the Anthem is screwing the EDID.

    Does this happen when the JVC only is switched on?
    Or with both TV and JVC switched on?
    Or in both cases?

    Can you post the EDID when this is happening:

    To Download EDID

    Settings/Display/Custom EDID/Save EDID

    Save to a USB stick or network location

    Post file as attachment to forum
  2. studlygoorite

    studlygoorite New Member

    Thanks for the help, I only use one or the other....just checked and the JVC/Anthem work as intended when the HDMI out from the Anthem to the Hisense TV is removed. One of the reasons I purchased the JVC was to get the same resolution projector as my TV so that they would both work while coming out of the Anthem (one at a time). My older Epson 3800 did not have HDMI 2.1 so while trying to have both come out of the Anthem, the Epson would not sync and the video would constantly flash on and off when I tried to use it, so I had to unplug the TV's HDMI out (from the Anthem) every time to get the Epson to stop flashing. Anthem Support told me it was because the TV and the Epson did not have the same resolution. Now that I have a projector and TV with the same resolution the Anthem still can't do it's job :)
    So now I wonder what my options are preferably without having to unplug the TV output from the Anthem to use the JVC every time :) I'll attach the EDID, Thanks again!! and lol...
    A pair of slippers, a comfy sofa and a glass of 16 year old single malt

    Attached Files:

    • edid.bin
      File size:
      256 bytes
    Oldpainless likes this.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Very odd - so that EDID has no HDR support as expected so that explains why everything is in Rec.709, but why the Anthem would do that I have no idea - makes no sense.

    Anyway, hopefully we can get around it with a Custom EDID - try this:

    1. Physically disconnect the Hisense TV
    2. Check that the projector and Zidoo work as expected in terms of resolution and HDR modes
    3. Save the EDID as you did above
    4. Load that EDID back into the Zidoo as a Custom EDID and make sure it's active

    This will allow the Zidoo to meet the Projector's capabilities - HDR etc. The only thing it won't do is Dolby Vision (I presume the Hisense is Dolby Vision?).

    Anyway, see if this solves the issue as far as the projector is concerned.
  4. studlygoorite

    studlygoorite New Member

    Thanks again, I had communicated with Anthem Support a couple of years back regarding what I thought was an issue with the Anthem where when after switching inputs, sometimes there would be no signal. It was random between my Direct TV, Canadian Cable, PC, Zidoo and Xbox Series X and a re-boot of the Anthem always fixed it. After some testing (pulling all inputs and trying one at a time, etc), they determined that it must have been my Display causing the issue, the Samsung QN90A so I put up with it happening every once in a while. Now that I have the Hisense (and yep it does DV) the issues persist where switching inputs sometimes result in no signal and it seems to be worse. Well I guess that proves it wasn't the Samsung :)
    Back to this issue though, I did as you said and it worked.......for a while. I thought I was good but about the third time cycling everything off and starting fresh, the issue came back....even with the custom EDID set in the Zidoo. When the Zidoo and the JVC didn't recognize HDR I then rebooted the Anthem and voila the JVC recognized the HDR from the Zidoo and the Zidoo also showed BT2020. This seems to be an easy fix but a PITA, I remember Anthem Support saying (about the no signal issue) the Anthem doesn't process the image it just switches it so it doesn't make changes that could result in a no signal....well guess what, it's not doing that very well :)
    Looks like I'm off to contact Anthem Support about this but just in case we end in a stalemate, might you have any other suggestions that I could try, something like an HD Fury or a splitter?
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yeah, that's utter hogwash from Anthem - Displays simply have an EDID and that's the end of it - assuming it's connected directly to a source, that EDID is just read by the source defining what the display can and can't do.

    When you stick other intermediate devices in the way, AV amps, soundbars, processors etc, they also have an EDID - with an AV amp it's ostensibly to define the audio codecs they process, but will also include video properties as well.

    So now the AV amp must combine the EDID from the display with its own in a way that makes sense to the source and not remove any functionality of either the amp or the source, but also modify it so that any functionality of the display that isn't supported by the amp isn't passed along and vice versa. And all this in 256bytes (that's bytes - not KB or MB!!)

    Sound bars for some reason are notoriously crap at this and often truncate EDIDs, but the big boys (Denon, Yamaha et al) seem to have the hang of it.

    Unfortunately a lot of the more, shall we say, esoteric brands, are also a bit haphazard in their interpretation of the standard and of course it's more complicated when you have two different sinks (displays).

    There's no way the Samsung EDID was wrong and equally with the Hisense or JVC, but I can understand the difficulty in handling two display EDIDs - although if not run concurrently, it's not rocket science.

    Yes, I think an HDFury would help on the output of the Anthem - you could then present one single EDID to the Anthem on one output and split the output with the HDFury - there are a few ways to do it and one upshot is you could use Dolby Vision on the PJ which is well worth the effort.

    It'd be worth either joing their Discord Server or one of the threads on AVS and asking if anyone has a similar problem and has solved it in this way, but see what Anthem say first - it seems to simply be a case of the Anthem not reading the EDIDs correctly and processing each one in turn - although it's possible the TV is presenting its EDID even when in standby which could be complicating the issue.
    studlygoorite likes this.
  6. studlygoorite

    studlygoorite New Member

    Thanks for the detailed explanation.....so much going on with HDMI now adays :) I have joined the HDFury Discord and have been informed that the 800.00 Cdn plus tax :O 8k VRRoom would/should fix the issue. I have also emailed Anthem Support and am still waiting for a reply. Last night I switched from the TV to the JVC and watched a movie and all worked fine so it's a random thing....but still a pain.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Completely agree with that - HDMI is massive pain these days - goal posts almost seem to move on a daily basis!!
  8. studlygoorite

    studlygoorite New Member

    Just thought I would come back and mention another weird thing happening. The last few days the projector and Z9X have detected HDR and worked as they should......but now.....my TV turns on by itself a couple of times while watching a movie with the projector . I don't have any CEC settings enabled in the TV or the Anthem lol. Dunno how or where the TV is getting the signal to turn on (might have something to do with what you mentioned above...that the TV could still send an EDID even in standby) but instead of pulling the HDMI out (going to the TV from the Anthem) while watching the projector, I bought a smart plug that the TV power plugs into that I can turn off so the TV doesn't even sit in standby mode, this has fixed the issue. Good times.....
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    CEC is the work of the devil and should never be used....

    If it is CEC causing this, then one of these will kill it dead:


    It physically disconnects Pin 13 which is the pin of the devil!!

    Search CEC Blocker on Amazon...
    dr4go likes this.
  10. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Haha! - that's a new one Mark - think it's a bit repetitive though - the whole forum knows CEC is the work of the Devil but I feel sure you can come up with a better name for PIN 13 lol
    dr4go and Markswift2003 like this.
  11. studlygoorite

    studlygoorite New Member

    Markswift2003 likes this.
  12. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I own a Samsung TV S90C77. Previously I got help here in this thread on how to configure the EDID settings so that everything is displayed correctly. Since I had to reset my Zidoo to factory settings, I had to re-configure the settings. Since the TV can only handle HDR content, I set Custom EDID to off. Unfortunately, all HDR movies are being played quite dark, but the message that HDR (whether HDR10+, HDR10 or HDR) has been detected appears in the top left corner of the TV.
    What am I doing wrong?

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