Dual layer DV playback red push on Z9x pro?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by JYinLaw, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. ThisIsWhoWeAre

    ThisIsWhoWeAre Active Member

    My settings used for Zidoo or my Panasonic are exactly the same.

    Different players just produce slightly different resultaten.
  2. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    I really hope the next gen Zidoo boxes (not the "pro" boxes, but I mean future boxes) support proper FEL playback as well as proper TV LED DV....
  3. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Wait, "The Batman" is MEL, not FEL, so I don't think FEL can explain the color problem..
  4. JYinLaw

    JYinLaw New Member

    Exactly, the Batman is MEL not FEL, so I don't understand what is causing the problem here, and Markswift2003 just dismissed it as "nonsense" without any explanation is not helpful
  5. DrGiggles

    DrGiggles Member

    If you skip FEL processing, you need to remove mapping metadata and NLQ metadata from RPU for correct colors.
  6. JYinLaw

    JYinLaw New Member

    Wait did you mean only fel file has this problem? But The Batman I posted here is MEL, I am confused
  7. DrGiggles

    DrGiggles Member

    For FEL only.
  8. JYinLaw

    JYinLaw New Member

    Ok so what you described doesn’t really fit my issue here as the file is mel not fel
  9. JYinLaw

    JYinLaw New Member

    What do you mean proper tv led dv here? What issue does the current zidoos have with tv led?
  10. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    First off, I think the Red Tint issue here is due to one of the versions being off of iTunes. Apparently there is an issue with iTunes where ALL dolby vision content downloaded from the store (or from Apple TV+ streaming) has incorrect colors. That most likely explains the issue here since "The Batman" is MEL, not FEL. So the lack of FEL support cannot explain the issue here.

    Last edited: Aug 18, 2023
  11. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Zidoo sends a BT.2020 flag with TV-LED DV which apparently results in slightly incorrect colors. It's not supposed to be a night and day difference but it is apparently real. I've been told LLDV will look better on the Zidoo.

    Also the metadata is processed by the player regardless of setting LLDV or TV-LED so they are fucntionally giving the same result, except TV-LED might look slightly worse becasue of that BT.2020 bug. That's just what I've been told by people who know what they're talking about. It's possible others here disagree.
  12. JYinLaw

    JYinLaw New Member

    Hmm I dont think the problem is with itunes here, I tried the same file with infuse on ATV as well, granted it was played back in hdr10, but it shouldnt be a significant color difference for this movie
  13. JYinLaw

    JYinLaw New Member

    Huh Ive heard of that as well, but I tried switching back and forth, for the life of me I cant tell any difference
  14. xskip

    xskip Active Member

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