Beta version v6.4(7).42 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000/NEO S/NEO X/NEO Alpha release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Oct 18, 2022.

  1. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member
    B0RN likes this.
  2. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

  3. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    No it's not!
    B0RN likes this.
  4. milay

    milay New Member

    Hey mytich,
    I hope they have seen it. Not a dealbreaker, but bugs me.
    And I thing it's a easy fix too.
    mytich likes this.
  5. DaMacFunkin

    DaMacFunkin Active Member

    Hi, not so sure what is so special about the Denon OSD but the best thing i ever did with my LGC9, Zidoo and Denon was to buy a HDMI signal splitter and route Directly to the TV for Video and Audio to the Denon, it was like a massive release of stress.
    pcristi likes this.
  6. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    For text subtitles Zidoo has a process trying to identified the language from special characters use on it.
    On my test, get subtitles what is expected to by Slovak and make multiple copy of the file with name like:
    All are show as Czech language because the AI get in the file specific character what Zidoo use to identified the language as Czech.
    Zidoo Team need to review the AI process and try to improve it.
    Enjoy Zidoo player.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2023
    dxer likes this.
  7. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Yes! I too get stressed out when something doesn't work - typically no sound with or without the correct sound format or no video. Don't know why, cos there are far more important things in life than device fiddling aren't there?, but I simply cannot rid myself of stress when something doesn't work - it causes me a lack of sleep too and then I get terribly grumpy :( Apart from rectifying the issue, has anyone found a cure?
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    blenky likes this.
  9. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Makes me even more grumpier if things can't be sorted - get it sorted and yes it helps destress
  10. khollister

    khollister Member

    The 2 big advantages for me routing video through my Marantz processor (same basic software as Denons) are

    1) On screen display of volume. I tend to know where the volume should be for most movies and it is easier and faster to set it with visual feedback. I sit too far away (and the Marantz is behind a mesh door in the AV cabinet) to read the display. I could use the Marantz app on my phone, but then I have to dig that out of my pocket.

    2) My Marantz 8805 has a really handy audio info screen that is accessible with a single button that shows the incoming bitstream, the processor audio mode, the incoming original channels in a speaker diagram and the outgoing channels in another speaker diagram. I only have a 5.1 setup at the moment so this lets me see what the original audio is and how it is downmixed (or upmixed in the case of mono or stereo). Especially handy since the Zidoo incorrectly reports the number of channels on DTS audio streams.

    The potential disadvantage is another HDMI device in the loop to bugger up HDCP handshakes, although I rarely have issues since the Denon/Marantz HDMI stuff is pretty solid.

    And yes, HDMI resync's are a little more prolonged but the convenience of the OSD is worth it to me. Plus I would need to split off the HDMI audio for both the Zidoo and ATV (Panasonic BDP has 2 HDMI outputs already).
    B0RN, Bertrum and crutzulee like this.
  11. khollister

    khollister Member

    Bourbon, neat
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That works too - but with ice.
  13. khollister

    khollister Member

    Savage ... ;)
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  14. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    A cheeky G&T with bitters!
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Fair play - can't beat a good G&T.
  16. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    I still say only sorting the issue can stop the stress and alcohol of any kind will stop you dwelling on the matter SUBSEQUENTLY
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

  18. softman

    softman New Member

    hi , im a new user of the zidoo z9X , just curious , what to expect from next firmware update ? and when ?
  19. Polypenko

    Polypenko Active Member

    Fully agree with Rozel and Khollister:), I love the osd data the Marantz receivers displays on the LG TV.

    One you have al Cec/Simplink settings correctly set, activities should start and stop as programmed.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
  20. thivame

    thivame Active Member

    I do not understand, to be able to fully enjoy the video of the zidoo ... logically it must be in bypass mode for the video and in this case the display of the osd can not be done. it will be on black screen (well on my denon it's like that, it's the 2400h) as it is not HDR10+ compatible I use a HDFURY it's true that the HDMI handshake is longer (or else transform the hd format in 2160 by the HDFURY and it's very fast)

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