Beta version v6.4.62 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Apr 19, 2023.

  1. salora

    salora Member

    Tested yesterday, you can change the settings if it's hdr10/10+ video but not if it's DV
  2. Frank Kasteren

    Frank Kasteren Active Member

    Your right. But wen you change the settings and you play a 4k bluray whit dv it wil not play the menus only wen you have everything standard it wil play
  3. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    but downloading subtitles direct in zidoo is so much better and easy, and it works really nice here, the only thing is that it doesnt support BR subitles, only PT, i hope that at least in the new zidoo models BR subtitles got implemented
  4. Koloss

    Koloss Member

    which bluray menu? i have no menu in mkv file.
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I think they are referring to a ISO format of the whole disc. Menus are present but problematic as to whether they work. Of course MKV files don’t have menu’s.
  6. lanz

    lanz Member

    Bluray menus are like VHS for me, something from the past and I'm not that old. Maybe tomorrow we'll be saying the same thing about 16:9 because we'll all have AR headset, we won't even have screens anymore.
  7. Larry Lo

    Larry Lo New Member

    On my Z9X. A while back, I have upgraded my firmware from v6.4.42_G to v6.4.62_G. The problem you have quoted is exactly what I have too.

    BTW. I got to page 4 of this forum topic, and have only reached page 6. I decided to go back to page 4 to reply. This is my experience of this technical problem. So please excuse me if someone else has already provided a detailed response.

    Basically, if I watch any TV episode or Movie, either watch it to the end, or press the Stop button, my Z9X unit will then go off and access the disk (or it does something) and freezes the unit for about 10-15 secs. I can see disk access lights comes on during this freeze period. (I know this will vary for other people, obviously.)

    Now if I press the remote during this freeze period, my Z9X will think my HT has hung. It will then proceed to auto-kill my HT and restart it. This will have to go through the motion of reloading everything for HT. Which is pretty annoying.

    My current workaround is, I wait for the freeze period to finish, before pressing anything. For me, it is indicated by my disk access light going out ie freeze period finishing. It works as normal.

    Ideally, this technical issue needs to be fixed, soon.

    I have been looking for a new firmware update release since. And felt I need to drop this feedback update.

    Also with this firmware, my Weather appears to work. However after a unit restart, it loses my city. It only works if I access my Weather. Ideally, it should remember my Weather settings, and bring it up with the startup.

    vddan likes this.
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Thanks for the extensive desciption.

    I don't get this behaviour, at least not so I am able to replicate it to produce a debug log. I have on occasion had HT4 restart with this release but very occasionally and have not been able to pinpoint the cause.

    Do you use network or USB storage?
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  9. Larry Lo

    Larry Lo New Member

    I am using USB storage.
  10. thivame

    thivame Active Member

    I also have this behavior on my Z9X,from time to time (but it's very annoying) and I also have USB storage with 6.4.62 ( not G)
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  11. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    I get similar behaviour, but I'm using the sata port and the internal bay.
  12. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    Ditto for me and I am in ethernet on a 'Nas'.
    Of course, very annoying for several firmware .............
  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    @thivame , @Oldpainless , @vddan

    When you say same behaviour, do you mean EXACTLY the same behaviour, and repeatable at will?

    The problem with anecdotal issues like this, as I keep hammering on, is that if we can't replicate it, we can't fix it, so we often need specific instructions to replicate, for example:

    To Replicate do this:

    1. Pull this
    2. Put this in here
    3. Push that
    4. Press Play
    5. Boom!

  14. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    Update for z9x anytime soon????
    Nicholas Hewitt likes this.
  15. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    I'm testing at the moment - I had HDD sleep setting at 10 mins of inactivity, and I pushed that to 30 to see if that is the issue (I didn't have the issue with the previous f/w, so I don't know if the sleep detection code has changed, or the issue is elsewhere).
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  16. thivame

    thivame Active Member

    when I go from one video to another without waiting for the end it happens to me from time to time that I get a black screen and if I try to do something with the remote control the zidoo acts as if it had just be lit. Browsing through HT quickly, sometimes HT freezes. Without forgetting the slow loading of HT ...
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  17. DMD

    DMD Member

    Good morning.
    I am currently at fw version .60 and everything works smoothly, taking into account that I use exclusively the ZDMC interface.
    I have only encountered a small problem, every now and then the clock appears in the top right of the screen for about 10-20 seconds and then disappears.
    For this small bug should I upgrade to the .62 version?
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Have you got Show Hourly Time switched on in Settings/Other?
    darkeyes909 and DMD like this.
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I've added a USB stick to my HT library and whatever I do I can't replicate this - the movies play fine and stopping, starting, jumping from file to file, USB to network, I get no issue.
  20. DMD

    DMD Member

    Thank you very much.
    I turned off in Show hourly time, it was on by default.
    Markswift2003 likes this.

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