Beta version v6.4.62 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Apr 19, 2023.

  1. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I have a Logitech Elite remote. Will the Z9X commands I use now work with the Pro?
  2. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    20230607_200333.jpg A lot of my TV Shows play a trailer for dead space the movie......... don't know how that could happen unless they specified the path result in the code for all tv shows to go to that specific trailer. Why this movie? is it a joke? like Brooklyn Nine-Nine it plays the dead space movie trailer when it should not be playing anything for TV Shows.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
  3. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    with the Z9X etc working pretty much perfectly (except HT but i never use it so almost no issues here) ,there really wouldnt be any point buying in to the new pro series

    Yes ,it might be a bit faster,and im guessing HT might work faster with the 4gig ram
    But supposedly the NEW chipset models will be out next yr, going by the "subtle "hints
    Why not just save the dollars ,and wait for that instead ,with all its added goodness
  4. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    But this is not the Z9X Pro thread ;)
  5. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Hey guys i was reading the recommended settings for the zidoo, and i am a bit confused, i have a lg oled c9, should i use TV Led or Player Led in DV compatibility?

    should I use DV vs10 for DV or use auto mode in hdr settings?
  6. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    auto, Tv Led.

    but you prefer "dolby vision vivid mode", so... ;)
    Paulo Pedullo and B0RN like this.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No, you didn't mention external subs.

    The new boxes are the same - different renderers are used for internal and external subs. I've asked about this before and was told it was being looked into but then heard nothing more.

    I agree it would be better to use the external renderer but I'm not sure if this is possible.
  8. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    DV VS10 for HDR SDR is what most use i beleive ( certainly i do since it improves especially SDR content heaps
    If its a DV content file this setting will automaticlly use the DV info from the video file ,not the "DV VS10 "rendering
    ie one setting pretty much covers everything unless you want to force HDR10/10 + or HLG ...for those you set it back to auto
    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You'd have to send me a sample.
    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  10. lanz

    lanz Member

    This was obviously in comparison with what's out there. So there's been no improvement in this area? It's really weird that there are two rendering systems.
  11. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Thanks, I was using DV vs10 for SDR, makes SDR a lot better, and now I put my DV in TV Led, it was on player led, I will do some tests and see if the brightness is the same as ATV now
  12. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Yeah I wish TV LED option was the default factory setting as its the correct one. Not sure why its not.
    gymnos and Paulo Pedullo like this.
  13. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Thanks, you want a sample of the movie or the subtitle downloaded? The problem is when downloading subtitle trough the zidoo, I select Brazil subtitles in the quick settings of the zidoo, but it only brings Portugal subtitles, if I select Portugal and Brazil subtitles in quick settings, when I click in download subtitle in any movie it duplicates all subtitles available to download, thus confirming that it only brings Portugal subtitles
    This subtitles is download from opensubtitles?
  14. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Vivid mode in dolby vision is very different like SDR vivid mode, SDR vivid mode is really bad, over saturated colors and super contrast, on DV vivid mode colors are accurate, pops more and look real nice, at least for my eyes
    DV vs10 for SDR looks fantastic to me on dolby vision vivid mode, colors and contrast are super accurate just like using ISF dark room on SDR
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    As noted many times elsewhere subtitle handling of the Zidoo can be pretty random.

    Just download the subtitle you want on a PC and either mux into the file or add to the movie folder.

    Personally I'd always mux into the file.
    salora likes this.
  16. lanz

    lanz Member

    Given the poor quality of the internal subtitle renderer, I think it would be wise to recommend placing the subtitle file in the movie or season folder. Especially if you watch anime!

    EDIT: You don't think so? Wouldn't it be great if there was an option in Quick Setting to extract the embedded subtitles before playing a video, so you can enjoy the best rendering in every case?
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2023
  17. DMD

    DMD Member

    I don't know what happened today, I was doing the usual Kodi backup with the RAR for android app as I had always done.
    Before the compression is finished (about 80%) the message appears The Google service framework app keeps interrupting with continuous loop even rebooting and turning off the device the problem is not resolved and after that the message the Bluethoot app keeps interrupting also appeared.
    At this point I would like to flashing, and I would like to ask if it is better to install the rom without the google framework version and then upgrade to the FW I had previously (6.4.42) again without the google version.
  18. Frank Kasteren

    Frank Kasteren Active Member

    You can't ajust the brightness color ex wen you do it wil not play the bluray menus wen player is set to tv led dolby vision. It's only possible to correct images settings wen player is set to player led
  19. Koloss

    Koloss Member

    i think your information is wrong, you can not adjust picture parameter zidoo when dv/hdr is active. only in sdr mode.
  20. Frank Kasteren

    Frank Kasteren Active Member

    But wen you adjust it the bluray menus wil not work playing DV. Try it you wil see

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