Beta version v1.0.86 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I think this firmware changed volume labels for physically connected hard discs from what I've heard. I'm not sure - I use network storage.
  2. Raho

    Raho Member

    How i fix It?
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I don't know - I'm not sure what's wrong or what happened.
  4. Raho

    Raho Member

    Everyone said to update that it was stable and zidoo also proposed it as stable. Now
    can't see anything. :((
  5. Willson23

    Willson23 New Member

    I have the same problem. The second internal hard drive is no longer recognized. When connected to the PC, it works without any issues. Changing the drive letter didn't help either. Please let me know as soon as you find a solution
  6. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    Go into settings. The name for the SAMBA server was ZD_SAMBA and the update changed it to OS_SAMBA. Change the OS back to ZD and that will fix it.
  7. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    How are you updating your box? The firmware file has been copied to one of HDD/SDD or you had connected some additional USB pen or you copied it into Z9X Pro internal storage? How many drives you have connected?
    I have just one connected to SATA port, the update file was put directly at my HDD SATA drive... and in my case updating to 0.86 hasn't changed volume label and the SMB share name...
    I was updating from 0.75... Previously I had no any problems to update to 0.75 either. With the same procedure as above.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  8. Willson23

    Willson23 New Member

    I have Zidoo UHD5000 with two internal HDD à 16 TB. Update was done automatically via internet. Everything was fine before the update. Update was installed and after the restart of Zidoo the internal HDD in the right slot won't be found any longer. When i put the HDD in the left slot it won't be found either. I have connected the HDD to my PC with USB 3.0 SATA III HDD docking station and everthing is fine. HDD is working and all movies are still on it.
    The HDD which was in the left slot from the beginning is still fine and is found.
    gymnos and Raho like this.
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I've reported this - it seems to be affecting a lot of people.
    gymnos and darky_zidoo like this.
  10. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    did it just recently the firmware is already out a while?
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I think perhaps most people use network storage. I've certainly not experienced the problem because I don't use internal storage.

    There was an issue reported a while back where the network name of the Samba server was changed, but that's only for SMB access to the box and would only affect those who use network names rather than IP address to access the box from a PC foe example.

    I think something screwy went on with volume names, but I'm not sure.
  12. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    I placed the .85 update on one of the 3 HDD's attached to my z9x and installed it from there.
  13. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    Yeah I was still using wifi to connect to my movie hdd's connected to my PC when I did the update.
  14. Raho

    Raho Member

    It's impossible, i do factory reset and delete all zidoo/android folders from HDD but nothing change.
    Now i try total reset and flashing rom in zidoo.[ld]3ulg==/guide_faq/raXr0bxKWKM=.html

    Samba does not have anything to do with it. HDD are connect directly to zidoo player. I actually tried it and nothing changed.

    Update with OTA update appear on my z9x pro. I buy new z9x pro 1 mounth ago with 1.0.69, i don't update beta and now zidoo propose 1.0.86 "stable", i get update and now this is a big problem, impossible use player.

    PS: in settings/other/about/advanced settings/device preference/storage i see my HDD but under the name there is a writing: "HDD_name is safaty ejected"
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ok, that's great - that gives a good clue as to what's going on. Will pass that on.
    darky_zidoo likes this.
  16. Raho

    Raho Member

    How to fix? Only reset and flash 1.0.52 then re-update to 1.0.86?
  17. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    I will add soem stuff to my internal drive. I only use the NAS normally. I will see what happens.

    I do store my back up of art on it...the disk didnt get ejected during the update.
  18. Raho

    Raho Member

    yes, in my opinion the problem is the disk didnt get ejected during the update. by i have 2 HDD 1 read and 1 don't read, after unplug and plugin both 2 don't read.

    now i flash 1.0.52 and re-update manually to 1.0.86...
  19. Raho

    Raho Member

    Nothing change. Now i try .75 or .85
    gymnos likes this.
  20. gymnos

    gymnos Member

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