Beta version v1.0.75 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    I believe I own the copyright to the internet usage of "Grrrrrrrr..." having coined the phrase many years ago. :D
  2. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    Cool. So basically your only complaints have to do with Kodi's behavior within the Dune. That's fine for me, I have no intention of incorporating Kodi. Appreciate your post. Waiting for my Dune to arrive.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ok guys, we're walking a fine line here - as I've said before it's not really appropriate to tout a rival company who don’t provide a free forum on the forum of one who does.

    Comparitive discussions are fine, constructive criticism is fine - even some of the more muppety ill thought out comments of late are at least entertaining.

    But a full on Dune discussion is not.

    AVS, although a labyrinth of misinformation and rhetoric, is the place for that.
    xskip, salora and browelly like this.
  4. Azrael

    Azrael Member

    @Markswift2003 only annoyances i have is having to reconfigure my unit to 4K 23Hz resolution and VS10 output as HDR10 (for DV processing) everytime i use the unit, for now everything seems to be working ok, i only use MKV remuxes from a SMB share so my experience is a bit limited.

    Can you give us a hint on new stuff that should be in the oven? is some new firmware coming out with new features?

    Would be fabulous if i could for example configure VS10 to only kick in with HDR10+ and DV content for example.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  5. Paul10mmring

    Paul10mmring Member

    So when will this new firmware arrive,?? And will it fix subtitles a basic function that should have been fixed ages ago? I agree the old Z9X was great but the new range has been s poor it's embarrassing .I use a Denon with a very high quality DAC built in and 2 separate power amps to drive front channels all my speakers are biwired and both my Subs are large BK units. I sold hifi for over 35 years so I know how I like my sound does not mean you will like it lol
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I assume this is the issue where HDR settings are not retained when using a custom EDID?

    This was fixed in v1.0.60 but unfortunately there was a reversion in v1.0.75. It has been fixed again in an internal beta so should be fixed in the next release.
    Unfortunately I'm sworn to secrecy so I can't give any hints at the moment. But things are afoot...

    I doubt that VS10 will ever be able to allow for HDR10+ content because VS10 belongs to Dolby and HDR10+ is their enemy :(
  7. misichavichus

    misichavichus Active Member

    There is no need to give away the secret, just say there is hope that there will be a new firmware and support will continue?:)
    salora likes this.
  8. jehangir kh

    jehangir kh Active Member

    Its been months since bought this z2600. There is still no fixing of major issues. I have got LG LED and Sony OLED . I noticed more choppy and jerky playback in OLED than LED. Has anyone else also noticed it?
  9. Jazz Fiend

    Jazz Fiend New Member

    I hope the things that are afoot include or have included the firing of some of the senior management at Zidoo. I bought two Z2600 players almost six months ago and to this day they are barely functional due to firmware issues. It is my understanding that this product line was initially rolled out almost 9 months ago. To date we only have beta firmware which doesn't do many of the things these products were supposed to do when launched. It is easy to blame the developers, but my own experience of many years as a computer programmer says this problem is due to senior management with their head so far up where the sun doesn't shine that they need plexiglass stomachs to see where they are going. At this point it might even be that users should be looking at a class action lawsuit of some kind against Zidoo. The current situation is close to if not outright fraud!!!!
    Sanctrum likes this.
  10. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    "We've launched the Z9X Pro Ultra.....we think you're going to love it"
  11. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    weird thing is
    Mine does almost all its supposed to flawlessly , and i use it probably 4-6 hrs a day playing full 4k mkv/iso/Bdsm files for movies and mkvs for 1080p 2160p TV

    DV DA DTS-HD Master audio playback has no issues no stutters or pauses for me ,it hasnt since at least .60 f/w

    the only 2 issues my Z9X Pro has is the occassional loss of EDID to random settings ,and the ongoing issues with MCH audio ,thou i have narrowed it down to Raw /Auto in Audio settings as playing a big part in it
  12. Staff49

    Staff49 New Member

    Instead of offering new boxes, they had to make the current boxes functional already because it's catastrophic !!!
    Tarantula likes this.
  13. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    The early purchased boxes from euro supplier were all supplied with a non zidoo sourced Power supply if i remeber correct ? ( discussion i think i remeber from earlier f/w threads)

    Could the few ppl having all the issues with their boxes be because they were supplied with an underpowered PSU ?

    Just a thought since a lot of us just seem to have very few issues with the Pro range ...nothing in the return to store/buy a Dune type issues
  14. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    I don't have many issues except some well known major:
    • lack of multichannel audio PCM
    • very seldom video choppy playback that can be instantly fixed by pausing and un-pausing.
    • Poster Wall stops to be responsive if the number of movies exceeds 400+ (the bug known since the old boxes)
    • Audio offset not working at all

    And the minor ones:
    • not working DLNA streaming to Z9X Pro.
    • some apps installed via Google Play Store does not show any icon in the App tray and can be only started from the Play Store level. Some apps like Tidal needs a special Tidal Launcher app to start correctly.
    • all apps from Google Play Store deliberately have locked privileges (and no root is available) and don't have access to the drives. E.g. not possible to playback DVD ROMs from the USB connected optical drive.
    • looks like Z9x Pro is always forcing 3D in the frame packing mode if 3D is detected as supported what makes problems if older AVR in the HDMI chain does not support this mode so audio is not processed in RAW correctly even after editing EDID.
    • Movie subtitles overlap the screensaver.

    I will keep updating this post if some new things comes up.

    My PSU is this one:
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  15. burton

    burton Member

    Audio offset not working at all.....any ides?
    Hdmi or optical.....
  16. Frank Kasteren

    Frank Kasteren Active Member

    I use the audio offset from the receiver or tv
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's a bug. Not sure if it's a reversion or not, but I've reported it.
    burton likes this.
  18. theory

    theory Active Member

    Not sure why I didn't do this earlier, but I finally installed the apk for the Aerial Views screensaver app. It allows you to play the high-res Apple TV screensavers among other things. It's very customizable in that you can either stream the screensavers from their source or you can put them on an SMB share. Of course, you can also put images and other videos in that share if you want to. You can also customize overlays and it will shuffle them unlike the very simple default screensaver provided by Zidoo.

    Here is a link to the apk -- githubDOTcom/theothernt/AerialViews/releases
    Here are the default videos -- aerial-videosDOTnetlifyDOTapp/
  19. zozo510

    zozo510 New Member

    Hello, I would like to know please if the next Z9Xpro firmware will have an operating improvement for 3D, because with certain video projectors, there is no activation possible, unlike the Z9X where 3D works 100% with all media, THANKS
  20. Nate Mac

    Nate Mac New Member

    I’m new at this but I had to launch a 3D movie, then go into the on-screen menu -> Advanced -> Force 3D TV (ON). After I did that, all my 3D movies worked, otherwise it just played 2D. I’m use all mkv disc rips for my 3D

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