Beta version v1.0.75 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

  2. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    They always string you along till it's too late to get a refund. I bought mine from Aliexpress and they had no choice to issue me a refund. I got to keep it as well, but like I said even free it's not worth it cause of all the bugs. every second or 3rd episode I watch freezes at the very beginning, and I have to reboot the box to be able to play that show. This is seriously unacceptable and pathetic that they abandon their product rather than fix it. but that's the price we pay for giving our money to Chinese companies. I am now considering the Dune Pro 8k as well.
  3. DaMacFunkin

    DaMacFunkin Active Member

    Is the Dune Pro 8k not a product developed in China also? It Seems very expensive when there are cheaper boxes on the market using the same Amlogic chipset.
  4. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    There is no way to escape from Chinese production. One way or another, almost 100% of the actual high tech products are made in China. Fortunately I'm not facing same issues as you with my Z9X and Z9X pro, although I'm really disappointed with Zidoo weak support.
  5. Paul10mmring

    Paul10mmring Member

    It's nothing to do with China it's to do with being ignored and sold a flawed product they knew there were major issues I mean Samba did not work from the start that took an age to fix it , I expect a product to work and a plan to sort out the issues. I have given them months for what? Yes I can compare the Dune and the Zidoo I am lucky the Dune has the odd issue or two but It plays everything, subtitles work all the surround sounds work Dolby Atmos DTSX etc and it's mathing rate is far better So it suites my needs for the small difference in price the Dune is better
    Bill-Z9X likes this.
  6. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    How are they doing on the firmware front? Are they a vaporware company with support like zidoo is?
  7. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    The player has been around since February and is already on its third FW: Dune Firmware Zone / Dune HD Pro One 8K Plus (
    I have been using it for 1 week and so far no problems, I use it for MKV playback from internal SSD, external USB, NAS via SMB and IPTV. YT with 8K@60Hz/HDR works well.
    Saving to internal SSD via SMB also works well.
  8. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    What is the difference in image quality between your two devices......which has the better image?
  9. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    a/k/a the gold standard :rolleyes:
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You mean the fall out flimsy one made of cheese?

    dr4go likes this.
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ranty muppet posts have been deleted. @husmoaschta keep it relevant to the thread and stay away from political comment please.
    Bill-Z9X likes this.
  12. Paul10mmring

    Paul10mmring Member

    Picture wise for me they are both very similar on the sound front the Dune is much better SACD play fine and flac files not had any issues with stuttering and subtitles just work like a dream . I run a 13.2 Atmos set up just seems to be better channel separation and more dynamic bass
  13. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    That's funny, I bought mine from Amazon (U.S.) and they refunded me and let me keep it as well.
  14. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    I'll use the money they gave me back to buy a Dune 8k. Problem solved! it's more expensive, but the specs are phenomenal over two times faster with more memory than Z9x Pro. The Dune 8k leaves zidoo in the dust. Their company will go out of business cause they ripped off all their loyal customers and left them with a useless overpriced pathetic excuse for a media box Farewell Zidoo! you will not be missed.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
    gymnos likes this.
  15. DaMacFunkin

    DaMacFunkin Active Member

    I've been a Zidoo customer since the X9X came out - 7 years ago? Since then I have had the X9S and the Z9X, every single one of them was extremely buggy and went back in the box for a long time before they became My main media player, but eventually Zidoo mostly ironed out enough bugs to make them usable, I've used my Z9X for a long time now with not many gripes.
    This was in contrast to the 10 years or so of media players before I became a Zidoo customer, that was a time full of boxes that never got fixed or weren't fit for purpose and the frustration levels have been painful, add to this Own build HTCP's which where expensive and every model of the Nvidia Shield (I once had 4 Shields) - I have tried them all.
    I have watched this thread carefully, I am in the market for another media player, my Z9X is well used and has mostly been great but I doubt I will be buying this Pro box, it seems there are problems that Zidoo can't solve or don't have time to solve so it maybe time to try a different brand, the very reason I have been a long time Zidoo customer it would seem is no longer valid.
    gymnos, Bill-Z9X and vddan like this.
  16. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    It's a pity Zidoo doesn't realize that with a minimum effort of releasing a new firmware every 4-6 weeks the users and forum members will be busy with their boxes and not paying attention to its weak commercial strategy. :mad:
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
    Staff49, Bill-Z9X and vddan like this.
  17. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    I don't see any difference in the picture quality.
  18. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    OK thanks !
  19. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    o, so this is your last post here? ok.
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I agree with you on a lot of this, but I also know a little of what's going behind the scenes so I'm hanging tight.

    I've had a Z9X Pro here since they were launched, but I also have a Dune 8K which I've had for a couple of months now.

    To sum it up simply, the box I use day to day in my cinema, which has been utterly bomb proof now for at least 3 years, is the Z9X. And trust me, if it wasn't bomb proof, it wouldn't be in there. In the past I've had Realtek Dunes and Shields in there and they all got ripped out.

    Prior to the Z9X I had a Z9S and before that an X9S (this was well before I got involved with Zidoo). The last boxes to rival those three reliability wise were the old Sigma Dunes - they were great, but of course Sigma exited and those boxes were before HDR10, so useless now.

    The new Dune is a good box there's no doubt, qualitative picture quality is the same as the Z9X, possibly the Z9X Pro, but it has its own list of issues, particularly with DV, and even if all that gets fixed (which I'm sure it will eventually), it's still got the god awful new GUI and terrible "My Collection". I enjoy fiddling with it but I wouldn't consider it for installation in the cinema where it matters - I know it doesn't matter to some people, but the interface is important to me, particularly when you're using it for movie nights in a dedicated room.
    dr4go, Andalex, Blue Stinger and 2 others like this.

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