Beta version v1.0.60 for Z9X Pro release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    All NAS systems I have ever seen have sleep modes for drives.
    try here
    You can enable the "Enable hard disk standby mode ... " option in system administration --> hardware. This will let the harddrive go into sleep mode when not in use for X min and the unit will consume almost no power. - Disable this and see if this helps

    I would recommend to most users to disable any thing that says sleep or power saving at least until you have a stable system and then try slowly turning things back on as the issues these things create can be very intermittent. Skipping, pausing loss of video can all be caused by this as system resources in the nas can become greatly reduced when this occurs.
  2. vadergr

    vadergr Member

    Which fw is better? v1.0.60 or alpha 0.61?
  3. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    my wishlist summary nov 15

    . fix subtitle download recommendations
    . don't show subtitles while screensaver is on
    . add subtitle download from outside player, from movie detail page
    . add search for actors, results are not showing them
    . add actor view in player and jump to all movies with her / him
    . add actor pics in movie detail page, the whole line directly not like this with navigation
    . no pause sign pressing ok
    . own screensaver
    . smaller poster on theater homepage / start page (I have only one row 'watching' and one half row the 'widget', that's way to large) need 4 rows at least like in poster views with medium size
    . show episode name in player
    . personalized keys: subtitle movement (or delay+-) with page +- keys
    . show all ratings - setting doesn't work I'm getting it on about 10% of the posters if turned on
    . pictures / posters for the watching row on start page. I got only big grey boxes
    . give me an direct jump to my 4 main folders like movies, seasons, docs and concerts or whatever you have at home, I cannot add manually all content to categories
    . some grey subtitle colour's are not working it's still bright white
    . from within a one season detail view jump to show with all seasons
    . fix the occasional playback interruptions of 0.5 secs
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Just to add to this...

    I have two Western Digital My Cloud EX2 NAS drives. Both of these have the issue that if starting to play a movie from drive sleep, the first few seconds of a movie will play, then it'll freeze for a couple of seconds, then it'll resume. Once the drive is fully awake there's never an issue.

    This has always happened with these particular NAS drives but never happens on standard My Clouds. If I turn off sleep, the problem disappears.

    I wanted to maintain drive sleep, so my solution is to send a wake up command to all NAS drives within my "Room On" macro, but obviously you need some form of automation to do this. I'm using Crestron so it's child's play to write a module to do this.
    Todd Z likes this.
  5. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Yup.. I have the exact same scenario with my Western Digital MyCloud EX2 Ultra NAS units, since I also have drive sleep turned ON... I simply use my local trailer function to "wake up" my drives ... and I let the trailer start, have it's little pause and then the rest of the trailers/movie is just fine.
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Because these drives don't support WOL, the way I do it is to copy a small empty text file to the drive by ftp using FPUT. It's the same file each time, so doesn't use any space. Because it's part of firing up the room, the drive is awake when I'm ready to use it.

    Ideally I'd disable sleep when the room wakes and then resume sleep when I shut it down, but I haven't figured that one out yet... I don't know of an API or a CLI for them.
  7. Todd Z

    Todd Z New Member

    update went well and I can confirm that 3D now works and chapters are correct, will need to test playback but everything looks good so far.
  8. madfloyd

    madfloyd Member

    Is anyone else experiencing random changes of resolution? I have mine set to be LOCKED at 4k 23fps and quite often I find it at 60fps or 1080p or something - even at startup!
  9. Todd Z

    Todd Z New Member

    I experienced this before the update on rare occasions.
  10. madfloyd

    madfloyd Member

    To be clear, this was happening prior to the update (and still is). Happens every 2nd or 3rd time I use the Zidoo. It seems to happen when playing a movie from Home Theater 4 and then it overwrites the 'locked' resolution setting (outside of Home Theater).
    Todd Z likes this.
  11. Robus_PL

    Robus_PL New Member

    To be honest - I strongly support that. BT should not radiate if not needed. That idea should be implemented in every device having BT feature available. Also it comes to Wi-fi. If not needed, then should be swithed off. Of course we have to remember that. If we need one of them, then we have to switch it on.
    Save energy!


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