AVC (H264) Profile 5.2 4K 60fps stuttering

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Creator44, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Creator44

    Creator44 Member

    I noticed my 4K 60fps profile 5.2 AVC/H264 files playback slowly with a lot of stuttering.

    It seems like it's decoding them using software instead of the hardware capabilities of the Realtek SOC.

    The same thing happens on my Dune player with RT 1619DR.

    Is AVR/H264 profile 5.2 4K 60fps out of the specs of what the realtek 1619BPD SOC can decode using it's hardware capabilities or did Zidoo simply not code the Z9X Pro and new line of players to decode these files in hardware so it's using the software instead?

    It decodes H265 profile 5.1 4K 60 fps high bitrate in hardware fine, like, for example, the Gemini Man movie so I wonder why the SOC could not decode the easier H264 profile 5.2 4K 60 fps?

    @Markswift2003, maybe you know the answer to my question?
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Because commercially h.265/HEVC is used for 4K, both the 1619D and B models only support up to level 5.1 for h.264/AVC, so no, 4K60 is not supported in h.264/AVC
    Creator44 likes this.

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