@blenky They know how to find me when needing examples. I don't think that is the problem. The Seamless Branching problem can be bypassed making an MKV of it obviously. My simpler bypass is playing it with another media player without this nasty problem. None of HiSillicon based players have this problem, it seems to be SOC/SDK related. Both RTD1295/RTD1296 based players exhibit this flaw and it was reported by me more than 2 years ago: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...ng-not-working-with-blu-rays.4439/#post-22232 So probably Realtek needs to provide a fix here causing the extreme long time to solve it? Frankly I am surprised it was not solved with RTD1296.
OK. I thought that seamless branching was fixed on Zidoo's RTD1295 players? I also have a Dune HD Pro 4K which has no issues with seamless branching or forced subs.
Good to know. At least the Dune proves it can be solved and it is not a SOC related problem. As far as I know Dune does not use the SDK of Realtek as the basis. Realtek is notorious for refusing to make essential updates to their SDK.
Update my review as I have run into SACD ISO playback heavy distortions for medium/short intervals a number of occasions now. This after playing many hours. Cause unknown.
2.2.82 has broken my X20. Had no issue before this update to speak of and now when watching mkv via SMB it will hang and then a message appear sayin Home theater app has failed. I can return to the home screen but nothing will play after this. Only option is to reboot the x20. File size was 30GB
watched a couple of movies past weekend via smb. one is 60GB and no problem at all. However, I found some display settings was altered during the upgrade. after I switched some settings back to auto, I found z9s automatically set yuv to 444
Alita: Battle Angel suffers from seamless branching problem too... at the begging and the end Atmos track has problem.. Very disappointing
My educated guess they wait till the launch of UHD200o to come with an official new FW release. This was just a try out for fixes made thus far. In a few weeks we should know.
v2.2.82 is classed as a release rather than a beta and as such was announced and can be downloaded here: https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/downloadList/target/2INlOr7QH+1KKmVViAFMcQ==.html