DMP-A6 screensaver

Discussion in 'Eversolo' started by cenodude, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. cenodude

    cenodude New Member


    I dont understand the screensaver implementation.

    Based on the screensaver settings you can put a value between 5min and 2 hours. I can partially understand this to protect the LCD screen but it isnt logical. In the current implementation - when the screensaver is activated - it will never return automatically back to the original screen. For example when you play new tracks, album etc. You need to manual press the screen or use the option in the app. Why is that? Extremely clunky.

    Normal (or expected) behaviour would be: when media tracks are pausd/idle for x amount of time the screen would be blank(or display other screensaver) but when i play the track again, or new track, the screen should be back to normal (automatic)

    And isnt there a less intrusive screensaver, like showing cover-art more dynamic, or use a simple ball bouncing in the screen?

    Any updates expected in the future for this, i will this behaviour not change?
    Metaman, zipe, TheGovnah and 2 others like this.
  2. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    You may be right, but...
    The screen-saver option is there to save the screen... hence: after a while you don't use it it gets shut down. This is the behavior of every screensaver out in the wild.
    You may want something different, of course, but that may not be called a screen-saver. Rather a screen entertainment pattern, uh?
    fasteddie likes this.
  3. cenodude

    cenodude New Member

    I get your point, and i'm even okay with the max duration when the screensaver will be activated to save the screen.
    But why is it, when i stop/pause a track it all depends on the screensaver delay?
    So for example if i've enabled the screensaver for 2 hours and pause/stop a track (device is doing nothing). i have to wait 2 hours till the screensaver kicks in (shut down the screen) I' think it's extemely annoying to see an active display when nothing is played for over 2 hours. Ofcourse i can shorten the screensaver time to 15 min or 30 min, but that doesnt make much sense to me when i do play media (black screen or clock)
    TheGovnah likes this.
  4. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    That's just BECAUSE you said you want the SS to intervene after 2 hours.
    If, OTOH, your wish is different, don't blame the SS algorithm.
  5. Trebz

    Trebz New Member

    I agree. The screensaver implementation is very unusual. I would hope they improve on this with firmware. My vote would also be album art in some way shape or form and then time out after a while.
  6. cenodude

    cenodude New Member

    Well perhaps i didnt explain it correctly but i'm an end-user approaching it from a functional point-of-view. The SS algorithm (as you called it) is brainless as it has zero interaction with playing media. Why does the screensaver needs to be activated when i've played constant different tracks or albums thus refreshing LCD that should be more than sufficient to save the LCD. It's like moving your mouse in Windows but the SS will still be activated. Does not sounds logical right?

    Again, here is the text i have used in my original post: " Normal (or expected) behaviour would be: when media tracks are paused/idle for x amount of time the screen would be blank(or display other screensaver) but when i play the track again, or new track, the screen should be back to normal (automatic)"

    So yes, i blame the SS algorithm for not having a proper smart algorithm besides 'if x minutes are passed then activate SS no matter what' Or i blame the media player not communicating with the SS. I dont care where the fault is but it would be absolute great if there would be an solution/fix for this in the future to make this product even better.
    zipe, TheGovnah and Trebz like this.
  7. venga velo

    venga velo New Member

    I'm also aggravated by this. If the streamer is at idle with no music playing, then implement the screen saver.
    If the streamer is actively playing music, give us the option of turning it off while it is operating.
    It seems like a relatively simple thing to update in firmware. I really hope you'll consider it.
    Trebz, zipe, Smille and 1 other person like this.
  8. Burki

    Burki Active Member

    Also my opinion: Screen saver should become only then active, when there's no user interaction or playing music.
    Curently I've disabled global in the android settings the screen saver, but that's also not a good workaroud, because it will not save the LCD.
    In the app, we've the option to switch off / switch on the screen. For me it will be fine, to have the same as IR or IP control --> exists there an equal command?
  9. curael

    curael Member

    Honestly with a regular IPS panel type inside the DMP-A6 there is no such thing as burn-in. A screen saver is literally not needed at all. It's a cosmetic feature and it would be nice being able to disable it. :) It's simply just for decoration.

    But yes, you can disable it in Android settings as @Burki said. I have done that myself too.
  10. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

    I added my view on how it should work here :cool:
    Hopefully they will fix that in time ..
    zipe likes this.
  11. 1piotr13

    1piotr13 Member

    I would like to have an option to turn off screensaver completly
  12. I believe LCD is less susceptible, if at all, to burn in, or image retention, than other screen technology. OLED otoh is very sensitive to it.

    I concur, there should be an option to disable the screensaver.
    Robert Crawford likes this.
  13. Chris Wu

    Chris Wu Member

    Why dont just turn off the screen.

    Attached Files:

  14. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    I would like to have your luxury problems. :D
    AYKUT likes this.
  15. I've been running my DMP A8 and so far love it. The inability to completely turn off the screen save was a stupid idea. Was this one of those let's save a few watts of power in every city? I'm so harsh about this because this is an amazing box. The Eversolo DMP A8 was done so right. I kept avoiding spending any more money on a streamer until incorporating many of the features that the A8 has. So if you marketing/research types want an opinion, here it is.
  16. Keith Tanton

    Keith Tanton New Member

    I have just upgrade and absolutly love the DMP-a6. However, I can't see how they can tick all the boxes and get so much right and not have an option to disable the screen saver. Such an easy thing to add. Is there a feature request page which is monitored?
    Trebz likes this.
  17. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    No there isn`t.
  18. Howie Dewitt

    Howie Dewitt New Member

    How do we access the android settings ? is that from the unit or the app or some side loading magic?
    Trebz likes this.
  19. Libattery

    Libattery New Member

    Absolutely agree!
  20. CJW

    CJW New Member

    I agree if there is no signal (nothing playing) then the screen should go into screensaver mode automatically, not as it does now and stay on its current screen until screen saver timer starts, which is 2 hours for me because I don’t want the A6 to go on to screen saver mode while I am playing music. Seems like a simple thing for Eversolo to implement. If there is music playing then the screen saver rule should be different compared to if there is no music playing.
    Trebz likes this.

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