DMP-A6 screensaver

Discussion in 'Eversolo' started by cenodude, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. Morbeas

    Morbeas New Member

    Hello there. I recently purchased the A6 and I'm on firmware version 1.2.50 and the current screensaver implementation has me scratching my head. When the unit is playing music, the screensaver function should not kick in. Likewise, when the screensaver is on and I decide to start playing music, the screensaver should automatically cancel.

    I'm amazed that such a simple bug couldn't be fixed in over a year after a product's launch. Hoping this might be fixed in the upcoming firmware release?
    Metaman likes this.
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Well, obviously they don’t consider it a bug that needs fixing. It’s been like that from the launch of the product(s).

    Just use the button on the remote to turn the screen back on. If you have the A6 that does not come with a remote, just order it (BTR-12) online. It’s the cheapest remote I’ve ever come across…
  3. CJW

    CJW New Member

    Requiring a remote is not substitute for a poor UI choice. Considering there is a thread in this issue is evidence that it is a design choice that customers do not appreciate .
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2024
    Morbeas likes this.
  4. Morbeas

    Morbeas New Member

    I really don't understand this line of thinking. If the screensaver does not disengage while there's activity on the device, this is clearly a bug that needs to be fixed.
  5. CJW

    CJW New Member

    I have actually asked Eversolo about this a year ago and the reply I got sounded like a design choice, and not a bug. So instead of asking Eversolo to fix a bug they need to be asked to make a UI design change because the current screensaver operation sucks.
  6. Morbeas

    Morbeas New Member

    Sure thing. Fair enough. I agree the entire screen saver implementation sucks overall and needs to be overhauled. Just as a quick update, my unit has now been on for the past several hours with nothing playing and still showing the same screen. The screensaver never came on, even though I have it set for 5 minutes. It's just terrible.
  7. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    It ‘disengages’ if you touch the screen - either on the device or in cast mode.

    If you use a phone or tablet then that is your screen and as such the thinking must be that you don’t need the screen on the device.

    I would personally like it to have an option to never turn off but hence it is called a screen saver.

    Your phone and tablet also turn off, if you don’t touch them (as standard).

    Listening to music is not ‘engaging’ with the device.

    Generally, I think there are many areas of the A6 / A8 software that could be improved. This is the least important feature change of those that could be changed.
  8. CJW

    CJW New Member

    I disagree because the screen saver affects the aesthetics of the A6, which is important to me and I am sure others.
    Morbeas likes this.
  9. Burki

    Burki Active Member

    I'm sure, that many people are buying the A6/A8, because the big display is included and using the item as stationary music player (not as mobile or tablet or DAP).
    Also the android based Rose audio player (really not the champions in the software) are able to handle the screen saver in the correct way, but not Eversolo...
    On the other side, you can disable in the DMP-A6 the screen saver completely in sideloading the android settings app, which is a working workaround.
    恭喜发财 and Morbeas like this.
  10. Miracoolx

    Miracoolx New Member

    I would think it would be super cool if you could use your own photos of your family or friends on the screensaver. I would really celebrate that. LG

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