zidoo z9x subtitles

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by domi80, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. domi80

    domi80 Member

    Normally every time if i download automaticly subtitles it works. But not it dont works. get vip message from opensubtitles. When will it be fixed?
  2. Loneman

    Loneman New Member

    Same problem here, and it's getting really annoying now.
    Does anyone have any tips for changing the location it downloads from, or anything which might help?
  3. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    It’s half fixed I believe in the latest firmware. BUT the identification from where the subtitle originated is stripped off. So it’s a guess as to which one to use.
  4. Loneman

    Loneman New Member

    It's weird; I see the subs available, select the one that corresponds with the video, and then hit apply (or download or whatever it is). The video continues and shows the subtitles, but it only ever shows:
    00:00:00,001 --> 04:00:00,001
    Become OpenSubtitles.org VIP member
    to get subtitles -> osdb.link/vip

    The sub is renamed to: "Video name_season/episode_random number.da.srt", and is listed as Danish. o_O
    Is there a way to change the URL/IP of the site/service the box scrapes the subs from? Any help would be much appreciated.

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