Zidoo Z1000 PRO - Display bit rate information

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by LGans316, Jun 19, 2021.

  1. LGans316

    LGans316 New Member

    Is there any way to display the bit rate information during playback of media files like MKV?
  2. LGans316

    LGans316 New Member

    Sorry, what's HT4? Video Information displays MediaInfo dump and not the live bitrate during playback.

    Weird that such a basic feature that's offered in cheaper players like Vero4K+ is not available here. Please prove me I am wrong :)
  3. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    It all depends on the chipset. Live bitrates must come from a HW register directly. You will not like a player calculating constantly the bitrate resulting in hiccups with the display. Some Chips have this others don't and RTD17619DR does not.

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