Hello i’m new user to X9S , was trying to download Hiby music for my SACD iso files, sadly the apps did not work on X9S after downloaded from google play store. it don’t even display correctly on my Tv, can’t read at all. Can anyone advise ?
Try another app. Do not waste your time with particular one. You can find a lot of similar programs to select from.
There are many Music Players but these are all designed for smartphones. Never found a good one for Media Players and tried very many. Hiby in fact is a rare one that a kind of works; the media player being part of Total Commander also works that way. The new Music Player 2.0 will play DSF files and even SACD ISO files but alas these are run via the internal Android mixer and come out as LPCM 176.4 but stereo only. So only functionally supported with no RAW DSD streaming being included.
You Take a look at Usb audio player pro, which is able to bitstream via bare usb interface. No mixer etc. I'm pretty satisfied with said app. The trial version is on their website only.
You have to enable extrenal dac in the program setting and select correct dsd stream mode - either native or dop. The older dacs support only DoP mode. Also, select bit-perfect mode.
Thanks I am considering an external USB DAC or getting the X20 Pro instead. Thus far the X20 Pro looks promising. It is supposed to get Music Player 3.0 with real streaming capabilities I presume; without that the box won't sell anyway. No idea if Music Player 3.0 will remain exclusive for X20 Pro? Streaming DSD via HDMI may require extra licences?
I just answered your question regarding playing hi-res music on X9S, which is really solid media player for its price. The promising look of X20? It looks exact the same as X9S hardware in the bulky cabinet w/ two hdd slots. Probably, I'll stay with my X9S and skip new X20 models. I want to see CPU/GPU improvements.
Agree mostly for X20 but X20 Pro has a quality DAC included and double the storage. Also the power provisions and discrete components used by both X20 and X20 Pro look a lot more high quality. Many people underestimate the effect of that. In fact the box is still cheaper than an equivalent USB DAC only. The value of CPU/GPU is not that high in my view as the media processing is done mainly by the dedicated RTD1295/1296 media chip. Waiting for the next generation RTD1395?
And that realtek chip is exactly the same as of X9s. The same video quality. Not the best deinterlacer/frame rate converter it should be at the high price tag. Audio, I dont think that integrating another dac chip will make day and night sonic difference. Most improvements of the dac chips are in their specs only.
I don't expect this to come from Zidoo anywhere soon as this would require a new track of firmware development which they clearly are steering away from.
X10 Pro would be a better name and i would welcome it with same casing and poss slimline cd rom drive above Display maybe .
At Egreat there were once rumors about a new player with both a HDD slot plus a disc drive (A13?), but plans seem to be on hold/canceled?
None of media players have implemented Cinavia. If provided with any internal or external drive they will play copied discs only. The last point is a reason for me to keep my BD/DVD/SACD player in the rack.
I really like X9s dark gray finish. And I would be happy with quality coaxial spdif instead of prosumer balanced xlrs. Because of absense of UAC2 support I cannot stream all the audio via USB. I just prefer stereo output. I think two-channel audio is better suited for music.
According audiophiles spending several 10.000's on their setup stereo is the best with analog for the external DAC to the Amplifier. The DAC may not be integrated into the AMP as it needs to be shielded from it and have its own (external again) PSU. Some even claim that the Amplifier is best tube based. XLR is potentially the best analog cable connection for it where those same audiophiles may spend several 100's on per cable. XLR was designed for (very) long cables however and for a typical audio setup it may make no audible difference. The current Music Player 2.0 does an excellent job for SACD as it is converted to 176.4 Mhz PCM Stereo out via HDMI. Good for most more modest audio setups. An X20 Pro potentially comes close to the setup for audiophiles at much lower costs. I am waiting for test results and the new Music Player 3.0 which ought to produce also DSD via HDMI and SPDIF as an option! What is used to feed the Internal SABR DAC will remain hidden as it is converted to analog when coming out and one can only listen to the final result (I want to be able to switch and compare sound). But a few multi channel recordings I found on SACD sound amazingly well. Love those whatever anybody says.
I I do not know how 10k amplifiers are built. But 800usd amplifier of mine with internal dac has it shielded. It's in the metal box inside the amplifier cabinet. Supplying dedicated power for dac circuit is not a problem too. Moreover, the internal dac is well tuned for a particular amplifier. Converting dsd to pcm is not a good idea indeed. Dsd should be processed natively to perform on its best.