DocumentsProvider ( is missing! Since about the firmware version 1.2.x the DocumentsProvider ( is missing! It is therefore no longer possible to give an app write access to external storage. The change and write permissions are missing. Only reading is allowed. That is a massive limitation and does not allow for more freedom. Is there a solution for this?
Try installing this apk: I've done a bit of testing and it seems to fix the problem. Please post your findings (here or on our forum where I've also replied to your post) and if it is the fix then it will be included in next firmware.
Could you share with us how this actually works with some examples? I know the simple Android file browser under setup, but this aspect is unknown to me. I read implementing it may also render some older Android 4+ APP's incompatible? So adding it may have negative side effects?
Hello! That's exactly what was missing - thank you very much for your support! Again an example of the original problem: When I'm using an app - in my case a photo editor, I've edited a photo and then wanted to save, came a dialogue that invited me the location (destination) to determine or grant access. After clicking on "ok", the dialogue disappeared and you could not do anything else. Now comes the appropriate file manager and I can determine the destination (my HDD). With many other apps, it now works properly! Thank you!
Hello! Again an example of the original problem: When I used an app - in my case a photo editor, edited a photo and then wanted to save, came a dialogue that asked me to determine the location (destination) or grant this access. After clicking on "ok", the dialogue disappeared and you could not do anything else. Now comes the appropriate file manager and I can determine the destination (my HDD). With many other apps, it now works properly! I do not know if it really makes sense - in this case, to think backward compatible (older Android 4+ APP's).