ZIDOO UHD5000 Thread

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by DELUCAS, Jun 19, 2023.


    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

  2. Puppy75

    Puppy75 New Member

    Listed at 1.099€ (futureland) in France, I think it's better to have a disk for movie and another one for Tv show :)
  3. Sampinto89

    Sampinto89 Member

    I already love my UHD3000, so I'm really looking forward to any improvements. :)
  4. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    I'm looking forward to this too in my new place, which will be finished next year. Two UHD5000s and repurpose my Z1000 Pro into a third room.

    Would really like to see Zidoo develop an automatic sync of HT libraries between devices, rather than the current more manual export/import process. Maybe make one device the SMB master and the others the slaves or some other workflow?

    Zidoo could position themselves as the CI go-to device.

    Also if Zidoo could make rack ears available for this top model, that'd would also be an plus on the CI side. Alternatively, if Zidoo could provide the ideal dimensions and the buyer could use a site like Penn Elcom to source their own or Legrand rack mounting etc etc.

    Finally, if the Music app could have an option to use the app just as the Roon endpoint/display without all the other local playback features, that'd be great too, given that Roon is already handling that for the customer who uses it.

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2023
  5. MaisonD

    MaisonD New Member

    I do wished the music app on this player is like the Eversolo though, I’d buy in a heartbeat.
  6. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    That may happen for the Neo models (the Front Panel is crucial) not for UHD5000.
  7. nhtdm

    nhtdm Member

    I just got UHD5000 from Futeko, installed ZDMC 20.1 apk everything went fine. But I couldn't install addon zip files, also tried Kodi 20.2 apk same problem.
    I have cleaned up ZDMC 20.1 apk then installed ZDMC 19.4 apk . Now I could see and install the add on zip files. (After installed all the add on zip files that I needed, I installed 20.1) So the problem is the ZDMC or Kodi 20.1 and 20.2 on the new Zidoo players.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2023
  8. Augster

    Augster Member

    For anyone who upgraded from a 3000 to the 5000, can you describe any significant enough differences that you would wholeheartedly recommend upgrading from a 3000, or recommend sticking with the 3000 for now?

    I don’t use any of my media players for musics, but if the 5000’s are noticeably “faster” interface-wise, then that may be a good enough reason for me to jump.
  9. nhtdm

    nhtdm Member

    I have Dune HD Ultra Vision 4K and Zidoo UHD3000. I'm very happy with Dune HD for music and video performing. I never enjoyed of having the UHD3000, sold it in May and got UHD5000. I can tell that UHD5000 is 20% better in every aspect vs UHD3000. Videos more vivid and music also more bass, it worths to jump!
    Augster likes this.
  10. mcs2000si

    mcs2000si New Member

    Received my zidoo uhd 5000 from futeko and got it set up. It's replacing a z1000 pro. Everything was working great until I put in the HDD from the z1000 pro. The device makes a click and shuts off as it starts to spin the HDD in either bay 1 or bay 2. The HDD is a WD white 16tb that gave me no issues on the previous device so this is very frustrating. Im on the software ending in .32 and zidoo has no downloads for the UHD 5000 on their website. Anyone run into something like this before on their zidoo? Was excited to get this because of the extra bay as im running out of room on NAS and HDD. Thanks for the help.

    ***emailed futeko support as well.
  11. nhtdm

    nhtdm Member

    Did you try to unplug the power cable then go back and do a restore factory setting (while still leave the HDD in the bay), hope it helps. Or else it is a faulty unit.
  12. mcs2000si

    mcs2000si New Member

    I did a full reset but didn't do it with the HDD left in it. I can try that and see what happens.
  13. nhtdm

    nhtdm Member

    Why UHDx000 always the last model to get an update?
  14. nhtdm

    nhtdm Member

    ZDMC 20.2 apk works fine, now I can browse and see all the files from HDDs... ZDMC 20.1 apk is faulty .apk
  15. Jarrod

    Jarrod Member

    When will the 5000 be available on Amazon?
  16. Frank Kasteren

    Frank Kasteren Active Member

    I just ordered a rackmount for the zidoo uhd5000 at purecinema in the uk in a week ore 4 they wil have it on the site for order
    DaveH1 likes this.
  17. AJAForEver

    AJAForEver New Member

    I have this device since 2 weeks and I am pretty enjoyed. I am coming from a Zappiti Pro 4K and the gap is huge. I use default apps and all my movies have been detected without any pb (I use Filebot for renaming). I bypass SMB issue (PC to UHD) by transfering files from UHD app.
    One thing I can't fix : the voices of the characters in the movies are very weak compared to the music and sound effects. Any help ?
  18. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    What's the SMB issue? Sorry not sure what could be going on with your centre channel.
  19. AJAForEver

    AJAForEver New Member

    What an help ad courtesy !
    SMB issue is well known (internal UHD hard drives are not reachable/mappable from PC/Windows) and I didn't have voice issues with Zappiti and the same sound bar.
  20. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    I hadn't read up on that one. Just the 2023 models? I used to have a HDD in my Z1000 Pro and never had problems with SMB, but admittedly that was > 12 months' ago. I did have issues with NFS shares stuttering whereas the same files played without issue on my Oppos.

    Did you get to the bottom of your centre channel problem? Hopefully just a bug? Assuming you don't have the same problems on other inputs in your HT system?

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