Hi. I bough a X6 Pro unit. I download the Zidoo RC app Android Remote Control (RC) app Someone could confirm me that the latest version is about March 2014? If is there a new version could be posted me info about it and download link. I developed Italian language for it. With Android SDK I unpacked the app, get the English language (that contains many chinese strings - I hope that Zidoo fix it as soon...), I translated the strings.xml file in Italian, and I rebuild the app (with Italian language included). If someone is interested I can put here the link to get the English language to add more languages to the app. Thanks.
Maybe Zidoo could copy/paste a language txt-template here, so we could help them by translating all used languages for them - same goes with GUI language templates? On this way, 'wider' language support would be included to "official application" and would be included all upcoming versions as well by default.
I added at first post the zip file that contains string.xml. Anyone want to translate edit text in string.xml and post new language.
Hi: we can release the new version for the differnt language version, can you provide a different language translation?we will very thanks!
now, we have translation project, everyon can translate the language on it: https://www.transifex.com/zidoo-tech/Zidoo-x6-translation-project/
@spring Thanks for this project I already translated the strings.xnl file in Italian. Is there a way to laod it into the project to avoid to re-translate all strings?
@spring I know that if I will translate it save the translation status. But my request is another. I alrteady translated strings.xml (values\string.xml), into Italian (values-it\strings.xml) and I rebuild the app with Italian. I'd like to know if I can load into tarnsdlation rpoject the translation that is already done (to avoid start it from scratch).
Hi: we will rebuild the app, and we will check this. if it has some update, we will rebuild the apk as soon as posible.
Hmm.. it ask me to translate from Chinese to Hebrew.. I don't know Chinese Is it any way to translate from English to Hebrew ?