The problem is - there is nothing to select. The option contains only 1920x1080x60. And becuase there is only these resolution the internal KODI player doesn't do auto frame rate. This was the target. [EDIT] Oh, sorry, i see the OP talks about the Zidoo Player. On me the zidoo player works with AFR, only the internal oplayer wich i prefer for episodes doesn't switch anymore. [/EDIT] AFAIK you can "swindle" some additional resolutions to the list above by using manipulationg this list via advancedsettings.xml
The whitelist suppose to list all modes from TV EDID tags. It works well for me on RaspberryPi. I haven’t had the time to experiment with ZDMC v. 18.
Why would you want to use internal Kodi player instead of hardware Zidoo player? In ZDMC 17 Kodi player was dropping frames all the time. In unofficial ZDMC 18 Kodi player wasn’t switching refresh rates and stuttering was unbearable.
I add other frequencies to the list of strings, but they disappear after running ZDMC. if you leave one line, but put @ 24, then in the ZDMC white list it will still be @ 60.
Those refresh rates are a problem. Not that I use Zidoo player but it pops up on occasion mainly for YouTube trailers. Other than that most of the videos can be forced into Zidoo player by selecting “Play using...” in item menu or switched during the playback using “y” key on keyboard. I was experimenting with all players when we had micro stutters in previous firmware with Zidoo player. Right now there is no reason for Kodi player unless you are forced from some odd format but it won’t be any good anyway. Just like simple YouTube trailers keep on stuttering and dropping frames. If I launch the same trailer from TV browser / or YouTube app at 1080p and it will play flawlessly.
- the KODI player plays all (maybe faulty encoded) video files, the Zidoo player crashes on a lot. - the TV remote keys for stop and play and jump don't work on the Zidoo player - on KODI player they work. On Zidoo player a had to press the return twice to stop - it makes no sense in handling - the navigation overlay from the KODI skin doesn't work on Zidoo Player - the Play Next episode Overlay doesn't work on Zidoo Player. At all, my default Player is the KODI internal, for 3D or 4K movies i choose the Zidoo Player. I'm back now on the 17.6.1 since it works with AFR.
by the fact that scaling (zoom) with afr works only in ZDMC - for this reason I personally use ZDMC where there are very wide black bands. I'm already silent that the gallery can not fasten the display of tags tracks and subtitles.
damn, the refresh rate switcher is fu*ked up again... they implemented some white list bullshit, even if you don't select the 1080p 60 hz, frame rate switcher still does not work. external player does no mark the episode/movie as seen. deal breaker for me. can we get a damn kodi player that JUST WORKS ? P.S. not the best place to post this. as it's not zdmc 18 for all zidoo boxes. it's only for realtek boxes
I see. Everybody has a different reason why they chose or not to use Kodi player. I’m on the image quality side of things. If I see one blip in motion it’s over. Kodi player won’t work for me with Zidoo hardware. I don’t mind pile of remote controls. I use them all for detailed adjustments. I have old small and new large for Zidoo plus a small wireless keyboard with touchpad for Kodi. Home Theatre holds my prime collection of 3D and UHD most in full BD format. Kodi is for everything else. For those seeking good Kodi player I suggest RaspberryPi. Excellent Kodi support with MVC 3D. No UHD and Atmos if you don’t mind but 7.1 audio is there.
well another big advantage on this version of kodi is that they have separate mid channel audio volume button so you can boost the voices from 5.1 movies when playing with 2.0 audio setup. and it works well !
I guess this is not an official release. Also the size is twice as big as normal kodi 18.2. (Just for external player option ?)
I have 3 X9S. On all of them Kodi 18 is not working. The program is closing at once. Kodi 17.6 is working O.K. But unfortunately Kodi 17.6 upgrades to Kodi 18 by it's self without asking. So it is impossible to stay on Kodi 17.6 which is working. The result is that it is impossible to have Kodi working on Zidoo X9S I had correspondence with Zidoo Help and they promised to repair the problem BUT THEY DID NOTHING for almost 2 months. This is totally unacceptable. They gave me ZDMC 18 and after 18,2 BUT they have both the same problem of Kodi 18 and 18,2 as they are a copy of Kodi and have the same problem. This is the reason they did not publish ZDMC 18 yet officially. If Zidoo does not repair the Kodi 18 neither ZDMC 18 will work O.K. also.
I know that ZDMC 17.6 is working. But it is not the same exactly as Kodi. Kodi has a different player much better.
Does the Kodi player work for you on Zidoo / Realtek hardware? It's completely useless for me. ZDMC 17.6 is the only Kodi player that I would consider turning on for some short clips or odd file formats. Kodi player is not compatible with Realtek chipset. It skips frames and stutters all the time specially on newer Kodi versions. If you want native Kodi player you should look at different media boxes.