Z9X: Too bright (SRT) subtitles in HDR

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by hranija, Oct 20, 2021.


Would you welcome darker colors of subtitles (text formats like SRT) at least in HDR?

  1. Yes, would be nice

    13 vote(s)
  2. No, text subtitles are already dark even in HDR

    3 vote(s)
  1. hranija

    hranija New Member

    Hello, I like watching my TV in a dark environment. Because I'm not a native English speaker, I watch movies with subtitles.

    But with Zidoo (HT 4) I have a problem with subtitle brightness which is too bright.

    I figured out how to decrease brightness of graphic subtitle formats (VobSub, PGS, etc.). That's alright and does not need any improvement.

    But I often use text formats like SRT. There are some options including different shades of grey. Unfortunately, even with the darkest gray, the subtitles are very bright in HDR.

    Is there any option (or plan) how to select darker color (just really dark grey) which would be fine (I mean also darker) even in HDR movies?

    Thank you
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2021
    mytich likes this.
  2. maxhim

    maxhim Active Member

    How? :)
  3. hranija

    hranija New Member

    If you select graphic subtiles (eg. VobSub format) and then you go to settings, you'll see option "Brightness" in Subtitles Settings. And that's exactly what works well.

    But for text formats you can set text size, screen position, color, ... But no brightness like for graphic subtitles. Yes, you can set some predefined color, but unfortunately all the available colors are too bright in HDR (fine in SDR!) and I'd really welcome really dark gray color since all the available shades of grey are too bright. Or the brightness option. Again, I mean in HDR mode only, fine in SDR.

    So it would be nice to have more darker colors (dark grey) or brightness/opacity option also for text formats (like we have for graphic ones).
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2021
  4. lanz

    lanz Member

    Maybe you could use ZDMC aka Kodi fork for Zidoo?
    Kodi has proper not too bright subtitles on HDR mode since years.
    Now I don't know about ZDMC precisely.

    However, I really hope HomeTheater will improve this really soon.
  5. hranija

    hranija New Member

    I hope Zidoo listens and adds darker subtitles color or allow to set opacity also for text formats (like SRT).

    In case I need to fix everything (missing screensaver on paused video, too bright text subtitles in HDR) by using Kodi, I'd probably bought a different box.
  6. lanz

    lanz Member

    Did you try with the latest BETA release?
  7. hranija

    hranija New Member

    I'm running on latest stable 6.3.41 (which looks newer than latest beta I can find - 6.3.40).
  8. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    Use external SRT subtitles, than you wll get more settings, and you can also select grey subs in different shades.

    Internal srt subs don't have italics, and external does.

    Just put an srt sub with the exact name as the videofile "Moviename.srt" in the moviefolder.

    When you use several subs with one movie, like English and Czech, name the sub "Moviename.eng.srt and Moviename.cze.srt" and put them in the moviefolder
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
    Mariusz likes this.
  9. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    Check subtitle setting are many option to make or choose darker for PGS, embedded text or external srt and all will popup differed option with a lot gray level.
    Mariusz likes this.
  10. Mariusz

    Mariusz Active Member

    As a colleague wrote above, the gray level of the subtitles both PGS and SRT can be adjusted. I have a Zidoo Z10 pro with software version 6.3.40.G.

    Attached Files:

  11. hranija

    hranija New Member

    Thank you for the tip.

    As I wrote, I have issues with SRT subtitles, but I didn't write the subtitles are embedded (inside MKV container). Those subtitles are always too bright, even with different available colors. Fine with PGS (embedded) subtitles.

    Now I have tried to download external subtitles (Czech :)) and I see more options. Subtitles are better looking and mainly - they are not too bright! Thank you

    Anyway, it would be really nice to have the same options for embedded subtitles. Because I don't get why options are different for SRT embedded and SRT external subs. That's silly.
    Mariusz likes this.
  12. Mariusz

    Mariusz Active Member

    Let me put it this way, I checked some movies now and found that depending on the movie the adjustment is different. You are right that with HDR the subtitles are intense, but there is always an option to adjust them and you can dim them. It's not always perfect, but it can be done and it's OK.
  13. hranija

    hranija New Member

    Wouldn't be the problem really fixed if there would be one even darker gray color for SRT (or any other text) subtitles? And working the same way for external and internal subtitles?

    I see any other tweaking as a temporary workaround.
    Mariusz likes this.
  14. Mariusz

    Mariusz Active Member

    Well, it looks different with built-in and external subtitles. However, in both cases it is adjustable. This is not ideal, but it can be dimmed. In general, for me it is better (more dimmable) with embedded inscriptions.
  15. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    I believe there are more important issues to be corrected.
    Can't imagine dimmable subs are high on that list, because every kind of subtitle is greyscale adjustable.
  16. hranija

    hranija New Member

    The main issue I have is that dark gray color is missing for me. So in HDR, the subtitles are too bright. Yes, they are grayscale adjustable, but there is only white and two more darker colors, but still too bright (or almost white) in HDR mode.

    This is the first player I have this kind of problem with.

    Just one missing color or brightness option for (internal) SRT subtitles (like PGS subtitles have).
  17. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    Maybe did rely like 100 contrast level on your HDR display.
    Check if you have option similar to "logo protection" this can help with subtitle too.

    Subtitle menu
    PGS --> brightness level
    Embedded (srt,txt) --> 8-9 gray option
    External (srt,txt)
    Now if all this are not enough can also ask for DV setting of subtitle to have more color, brightness steps, but can try make our own ass, sup subtitle version to cover this.
    Enjoy Zidoo media players.
  18. afss

    afss Active Member

    One thought would be a separate setting for SDR versus HDR subtitles - this way the player would automatically use diferent settings depending on the file type.
  19. hranija

    hranija New Member

    Thank you all for your tips. Anyway there is still possible improvement from Ziddo to add darker shade of gray (mainly SRT embedded subtitles) or maybe better - brightness/opacity option for all text subtitles (like we already have for PGS).

    That would solve the issue with too bright subtitles in HDR and whole experience would be much, much better.

    As I wrote, have no issue until I bought Zidoo (Kodi, Plex, Shield - they all allow to adjust subtitles to not to be so bright).

    Hopefully Zidoo team takes this into account soon.

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