as per title, would appreciate advices to improve the UI response. Its starting to annoy me.. thanks in advance
probably not possible due to the weak A55 cores the Zidoo uses, 2GB RAM should be OK as the Shield Tube is responsive with 2GB but uses A57 performance cores, hopefully they use performance cores next time with 3-4GB RAM and 64 bit OS, sure for movie playback the current one is OK but lacks the smooth UI.
The worse is scrolling of poster wall and rediscovering all poster every time you touch anything. This is a programming issue the way the pages are formatted and posters constantly updating. I heard term "page scrolling" has not been implemented as one of the issues. No CPU can fix it.
Not sure why that happens for some people - If I reset HT4 then yes, the posters need to populate in the first instance, but after a quick scroll down to allow all the posters to populate once, I never have to do that again and the posters come up immediately every time. If I then add a movie etc it doesn't make a difference - they don't need to repopulate.
Mark, test this scenerio. Go inside the collection, change background art on any movie inside the collection. Go back to main poster wall and scroll down few pages. You don't see posters populating one at the time like it's looking for files online or something?
Turn off "automatically update" in the HT4.0 library settings. That will fix it. If you keep that ON, it will rescrape every single time. At least that's how it behaved when I was testing settings.
Maybe because you use NFO and images in local? I have the same behaviour as 3DBuff, with a a new movie added to one of the sources or if I change a poster for example. Sometimes, it does not happen immediately after, but it happens sooner or later.
Sorry, I already have it off. No difference to me. Database and posters with artwork files are stored in Custom Folder "storage://" as recommended by Mark. Rescrapes all posters with every change. That's the most annoying issue with HT that many people are complaining about. Once the posters are rescaped it not too bad scrolling up and down but not near smooth the way we would expect it. The poster are popping and populating quickly new rows as they appear. That's where page scrolling setup is missing. I do have the display set for 60Hz and popping posters are very noticeable.
Oh weird. Yea I mean I'm not surprised. HT4.0 definitely has bugs that need to be ironed out. No doubt about it. Hopefully there will be some firmware updates soon.
Hi all, it is the scrolling of folder structures in HT4.0 that feels sluggish. Every time I clicked on a folder it will take around 2s to open that folder. scrolling back up take as long too. Very annoying! does this points to the RAM being insufficient?
Me too big slowdown in ht4.0, for a few months !! I think those like me who have a big collection of movies/series have this problem !!! FYI I have around 10,000 films/series/episodes ..............
Ok, tried exactly that and no re-population - the collection movie background changed but nothing else untoward happened - poster view exactly the same as before and in place. I cleared the database completely and rescanned using online resources only. Then scrolled down the posterwall once to populate the images. Changed some artwork - as @3DBuff suggested I changed a collection background and also a couple of other non collection posters and backgrounds. I then added a new movie to one of the sources - this got scanned and added but made no difference to the cached posters - all remained intact. I wonder if your .hometheatre folder has got out of hand - this stores settings and copies of online posters (not local ones) and if you reset HT it's good practice to delete it because it gets full of old crap. I've asked for the .hometheatre and .poster3 (where widgets live) folders to be deleted when resetting HT - the devs have confirmed this will be done but as yet it hasn't happened. I've always said that the database housekeeping in HT is abysmal so you have to take care of stuff yourself sometimes and I spend a lot of time completely resetting HT in testing. But apart from clearing the database, deleting .hometheatre and .poster3 I can't see any reason you're seeing this - I've had conversations about this before and never even been able to replicate it. These are the HT settings I use day to day:
I use to clean-up .Hometheater regularly, deleting all the posters and the background images to force the Zidoo to download them once again (but especially to delete the images not used in my collection). Could the fact that I have 5 sources coming from 5 different HDDS change anything in the equation? Because I have the same behaviour with 2 different players (Z10 Pro and Z1000 Pro). Sometimes it needs to populate all the posters in a part of the posterwall, sometimes, it's just a part of them that is missing. I will try to make some screenshots the next time.
No I don't think so - under normal circumstances I have 3 sources from 3 different NAS drives (I use HT for 4K content only and Jellyfin for 2K). In previous testing trying to get to the bottom of this I've added in 8 sources (from 8 separate NAS drives) with a couple of thousand movies from my old DVD rips through BluRay rips to more recent 4K material and just couldn't replicate the problem. There's got to be a common denominator here somewhere but when I and the devs can't replicate it there's not a lot to go on...
One thing I see right away is “Use local images first “ ON. I have it off. When I had it on in the past it would choke poster wall to a halt. I didn’t have custom folders set up back then. Maybe use local images is the missing common denominator. I’ll test later and report back here
Those are my usual settings and because I want particular posters and want particular trailers (and I want them to work!) I always use local assets. In fact what I do is add a movie and a trailer to a folder, then I initially scrape online (because there are no local art assets) and then once I'm happy with the poster/backdrop selection I export NFO and artwork so it's all set up for other players when they scrape or for when I reset HT etc. However, as I said above, if I test using online resources only (Local Images Off), then I still get the same results albeit with posters sourced online.
I just tested “Use local images first “ ON. First pass on my poster wall of around 450 titles took forever. One icon at the time and chocking. After I got to the end it looked ok. I scrolled up and down and changed couple of background arts. Painful again to watch "Getting images, please wait..." for 2 minutes every time. Eventually it did refresh the poster wall. I didn't have patience to go through it again. I reverted it back to Local Images OFF. Now when it does refresh the poster wall it is almost at the speed of pushing Page Down button. Maybe using local NFO files is the trigger holding it all together without rescanning.
Damn - I'd love to know what's going on there. Sorry for the stupid question, but do you have local images? No, don't think it's NFOs either - I tested fully online - no local images and no local NFOs and it all behaves...
DNS as Domain Name Server from my Internet Provider? Probably not. It loads images OK if Local Images are OFF. It’s the refresh off all posters that happens a lot.