Hello there Just got the z9x and already feel great using it! I just bumped into a problem I can't get an answer for. I have an m2ts file that has been remuxed as single layer Dolby vision reporting as BL+EL+RPU with profile 6, dhve.06 in format profile. But no matter how i fiddle with settings in only get hdr10 as if it is not supported. The only other thing I found on the net is for another player with the same problem who didn't support profile 6 although the zidoo does from what I read. Does anyone have any idea why and how to make it work? Is it a remux thing that would otherwise work if it was a BDMV folder or iso? Have the latest firmware 6.4.42 and using a Dolby vision display, namely LG C1. Different Dolby vision and player led/ lldv settings didn't make any difference. Any knowledge would help. Thanks in advance for your time
There's no such thing as Profile 6, only 4, 5, 7, 8, & 9. If a file reports dvhe.06 then it's been badly encoded and the RPU is reporting incorrectly. It might work if you remux to an MKV.