Z9X - Denon 2700 - LG B9

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Glorioso, Mar 21, 2021.

  1. Glorioso

    Glorioso Member

    Hi, my setup is in the Title, but I stumble often in an erro in the TV for
    "Unsupported Format", sometimes just changing the input in the TV is enough but sometimes I have to reboot the Z9X or the TV. Is there anything I can change in the AVR or the Z9X settings to correct this bug?

  2. spoonz

    spoonz New Member

    I had the same issue and disabling HDCP on Zidoo seems to solve it. Note that the 2020 Denon/Marantz AVRs having problems with the hdmi handshake when you constantly switching resolution/framerate.
    Glorioso likes this.
  3. Glorioso

    Glorioso Member

    I'll try it and report back. Thanks.

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