Hello i have a problem my X9S find not my 6TB Hard Disk. Its a Seagate Expansion 6TB 3,5 inch Drive. I have the same Hard Disk with 5TB, with this i have no problems. The Hard Disk was formated in NTFS. I have the FW 2.1.14 installed.
http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?thr...-tb-internal-or-usb-and-sdhc-sdxc-cards.3768/ If formatted GPT+NTFS as a single partition connected via (E) SATA to Windows then and only then it always works guaranteed.
the 5TB HDD is formated in GPT-NTFS The 6TB HDD is formated in GPT-NTFS every HDD is from Seagate same Model 3,5 inch over USB the 6TB HDD not work i build now the HDD off and connected via ESATA and he work directly.
Hi Olsch Pls, clarify : You just put out the disk from its own casing and connected it to X9s with the provided e-sata cable ? That 's all ? Or you also formatt it inside a pc first ?
i Try all (inside a PC and format it). but the zidoo fount not the 6 TB HDD over USB, if i connected with ESATA he found it directly. confus is the same modell with 5TB HDD work over USB.
@Olsch USB interfaces are often not transparent as they typically do sector translation (the >2TByte limit). Sure it is GPT and not MBR initiated?
For HDDs above 5TB, this is the solution! https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B076WS2WJ6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
That defeats the advantage of using their external SATA port. This model is probably the only 'TV box' (as the Chinese calls them) that has that feature. USB3 has irt's own problems by adding one more coversion (interface) to the mix.