Closed What do the volume & mute remote control buttons supposed to do?

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by AngryVirginian, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. AngryVirginian

    AngryVirginian Active Member

    I have a Z10 Pro to watch movies & TV shows exclusively. The big volume buttons in the middle of the remote control and mute button on the top of the remote control do not do anything. The Z10 Pro is connected to a Denon X3700H receiver and the Z10 Pro audio output is set to RAW. I had to program the top part of the remote instead to control the volume.

    Are these buttons exclusively for audio playback using the internal DAC? Do they supposed to work through CEC (saw a setting for that)?
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    They work for audio not encoded in a proprietary format such as PCM, MP3, FLAC etc - anything that doesn't need an outboard processor.

    They won't work on Dolby and DTS formats because they are bitstreamed and need to be decoded by an outboard device.
    muha and AngryVirginian like this.

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