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Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by riddleace, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. riddleace

    riddleace Member

  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It already has it:

    <Quick Settings/Playback/Frame-Rate Switch/Frame rate mode> select "Frame-Rate And Resolution"
  3. skynet85

    skynet85 New Member

    Same function as the Zappiti? Does it bypass the video enhancement of the player ?
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    There isn't any "video enhancement" - as long as you have frame rate and resolution correct you're getting passthrough.

    For completeness, I should say that for 4K23~30 colour sub-sampling has to be different from the encoded 4:2:0 since that isn't supported by the HDMI spec and you need HDR set to Auto.

    Use these settings and you'll be good to go:

    Zidoo Z9X

    Playback/Automatic frame rate/Frame rate mode: Switch frame rate and resolution

    Display/HDR: Auto*
    Display/Color Settings/4K 50~60Hz: Priority YUV420 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/4K 23~30Hz: Priority YUV444 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/Non-4K: Priority YUV444 8BIT
    Display/Color Settings/HDMI Color Region: 16-235**
    Display/HDMI Mode: 3840x2160p 23Hz***

    Audio/HDMI Audio: RAW
    Audio/Downmix HD Audio output: OFF

    * Or Mapping HDR for permanent HDR10 or VS10/LLDV for permanent HDR/SDR/LLDV/DV depending on EDID
    ** This sets 64 - 940 for 10-bit content
    *** This is personal preference and assuming auto framerate/resolution is only the gui setting.
    Set this last since changing HDR mode resets HDMI Mode

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