Upgrade from Z9X to Z2600?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Dev, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. Dev

    Dev New Member

    I plan to upgrade my Z9X to Z2600, and I have a couple of queries.

    What significant difference will I notice in Z2600 over Z9x?

    Can Z2600 work as a streaming device with such powerful hardware?

    I just saw Z9X Pro few more new devices, and thought of upgrading to pro but few are saying there isn't much worth to upgrade,

    One of my primary requirement was HDMI Audio Out and that is currently available in higher model :(

    Thank you friends
  2. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    Streaming will be the same. The Z2600 offers a built in drive bay, a beefier internal power supply, a db9 RS232 connection and HDMI Audio out. Overall performance will be about the same as a Z9x Pro.
  3. Dev

    Dev New Member

    Thanks for your response,
    Not even any improvement in sound and picture processing?
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The VS10 engine has definitely been improved over the 1619DR models and I certainly noticed a perceivable subjective improvement in image quality. There is also a noticeable uplift in speed over the DR models. It feels zippier.

    I think @geebolt misread your question and was comparing the Z9X Pro (not Z9X) to the Z2600.

    Personally I think it's worth upgrading to the newer models but bear in mind that image/sound quality is the same over the range and so the Z9X Pro will perform exactly the same as the Z2600 so it's a question of whether you want the change in form factor and addition of internal storage.

    Also it might be prudent to wait until the firmware settles down a bit - there are quite a few issues at the moment.
    geebolt likes this.
  5. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    You are spot on. I was thinking Z2600 vs a Z9X Pro. My bad.
    Having said that, I went from a Z1000 Pro to a Z2600 and I'd echo all the things you mentioned above. I think the upgrade was worthwhile.
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  6. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    Is LLDV Still an option? and will it also benefit from the VS10 Upgrade? Also, how in particular does it look better? Thanks!
  7. Dev

    Dev New Member

    Thanks a ton for the clarity, this helps me,
    with my current Z9X device that suffers from abrupt freeze on screen when forwarding or rewinding (large size movies 50GBs) will definitely upgrade to Z2600
    Thanks again !!

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