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Unnoficial Latest KODI Leia 18 with ZidooPlayer

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by cobric, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. cobric

    cobric Member

    Yes, can confirm that :(
    Could be because of this commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/61badc49bcbe269e3241451a4baa9431dfa53b24 but can't tell. If latest version that works is "KODI/ZDMC 18 Leia - Build date: 02-01-2018" and this commit is on 04-01-2018, then we'll have to probably wait that this is fixed in KODI master. Somehow KODI remembers last played player (ZidooPlayer) and keeps playing everything with that regardless what is selected in context menu.
  2. mule

    mule New Member

    Thanks for the hint regarding the probably responsible part in the source code of Kodi. Will have a deeper look and do some testing in the next days. Depending on the results I will contact Fernetmenta of the Kodi team.
  3. cobric

    cobric Member

    Just tried with Windows version of latest KODI (http://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/windows/win64/master/) and VLC as external player. Same problem exist, if once is selected play with VLC, all other times video is played with same player (VLC) despite of manually selecting internal VideoPlayer and only restarting of KODI helps.
    So this is definitely issue with latest KODI source, and needs to be fixed there.
  4. mule

    mule New Member

    Thanks for testing. Going to contact fernetmenta.
  5. kalima

    kalima New Member

    Big thank @cobric. Work perflectly
  6. cobric

    cobric Member

  7. kalima

    kalima New Member

    @cobric : we can update without uninstall previously version ?
  8. cobric

    cobric Member

  9. mule

    mule New Member

    @cobric: Thanks that you find a solution for the bug by your own. The new version works like a charm with the external player!
  10. hifikid80

    hifikid80 Member

    hi, is it possible to play iso with menu? ..it goes directly to movie . i m using 17.3. thanks
  11. cobric

    cobric Member

    I don't know. Try latest version or use official ZDMC 17.6, there is no reason to use older 17.3...
  12. hifikid80

    hifikid80 Member

    what you mean you dont know? have you already implemented this? if i select show bluray menu in KODI , how it supposed to work ? go to menu? has it been implemented in ZDMC already?
  13. cobric

    cobric Member

    I mean I didn't implement anything, everything in my build is implemented by KODI team and Zidoo and I just merged two codes (latest KODI with ZDMC) without doing any coding/changes myself.
  14. hifikid80

    hifikid80 Member

    ok thanks. I have not tried with ZDMC ..anybody already tried with ZDMC?
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  15. samavi

    samavi New Member

    And thanks for your great job on ZDMC and the external player option is amazing
    However i have an issue when i stop playback on external player and interface back on kodi i have this message each time :

    « external player active click ok when playback has ended »

    And i have to clik ok to make it diseaper
    Any solution to deactivate this message ?

    Thanks to everyone
  16. Darkone

    Darkone New Member

    Hi !

    Thanks cobric for your work ;)

    I have an issue with the mark 'watch' after watch a movie .. Didn't work :(
    I am on 2.0.15 with your last release Kodi alpha 18.

    Someone else has this problem ?
  17. SaskMedia

    SaskMedia Member

    I recommend posting this in the Kodi forum. Cobric doesn’t fix bugs... he just merges code and compiles it into an apk.
  18. caudibur

    caudibur New Member

    Hello Cobric, what is the goals of your apk ? (just to know what I will gain by installing it ... ) Thanks. regards
  19. SaskMedia

    SaskMedia Member

    It’s just to provide you an up to date version of Kodi with external player support. Zidoo is kind of slow on releasing New ZDMC Kodi forks.
  20. cobric

    cobric Member

    Thanks @SaskMedia for replying as I don't have much time so I don't look at forums.

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