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Unnoficial Latest KODI Leia 18 with ZidooPlayer

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1295)' started by cobric, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Carsten Busch

    Carsten Busch Member

    Same here
  2. x9suser

    x9suser Member

    Yes, it keep crashing with z9s.
  3. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Someone can help, maybe finding the error in the compile text of playercorefactory.xml

    I can't use kodi 18 with zidooplayer as external player

            <player name="ZidooPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
        <rules action="prepend">
            <rule protocols="smb" player="ZidooPlayer" />
            <rule dvdimage="true" player="ZidooPlayer"/>
            <rule protocols="rtmp" player="ZidooPlayer"/>
            <rule protocols="rtsp" player="ZidooPlayer" />
                    <rule protocols="sop" player="ZidooPlayer" />
            <rule internetstream="true" player="ZidooPlayer" />
            <rule video="true" player="ZidooPlayer"/>
  4. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    yes, I'm waiting for someone can explain me what are the errors
  5. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    in fact, i would know where am I wrong
  6. Tukker

    Tukker Member

    I would like to run kodi 18.1 with external player activated, due to aeon mq8, but with playercorefactory.xml
    its not working.
    Will you release kodi 18.1 or must we wait for zidoo?
  7. cobric

    cobric Member

    I'm releasing just nightly builds. I think it's better to wait for Zidoo as they release ZDMC source code i'll then merge it to my repo and continue to build nightly builds once a month.
    gymnos likes this.
  8. cobric

    cobric Member

    You don't need

    <player name="ZidooPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
    As ZidooPlayer already loaded by system. So if you want to play all videos with ZidooPlayer just use rules section for that. In my builds if you want to start playing with ZidooPlayer you can use "Play with" context menu of KODI and then select ZidooPlayer.
  9. cobric

    cobric Member

    Currently these are very unstable builds, and lacking resolution detection and frame rate switching for internal player. I'm currently waiting for Zidoo to release ZDMC based on KODI 18 so I can merge their code and start building nightly releases again.
  10. This is what i used to get mine working correctly, I took it from the ZDMC version.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- These are compiled-in as re-ordering them would break scripts
    The following aliases may also be used:
    audiodefaultplayer, videodefaultplayer, videodefaultVideoPlayer
    <player name="VideoPlayer" audio="true" video="true" />
    <player name="VideoPlayer" /> placeholder for MPlayer
    <player name="PAPlayer" audio="true" />
    <player name="ZidooPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">

    <rules name="system rules">
    <!-- Zidoo native player rule-->
    <rule name="local" filetypes="mkv|m4v|mov|mpg|flv|pmp|vob|dat|asf|psr|3gp|mpeg|ram|m4p|m4b|mp4|f4v|3gpp|3g2|3gpp2|webm|ts|tp|m2ts|m2t|lge|3dv|3dm|iso|mpls|rmvb|rm|ssif|bdmv" player="ZidooPlayer" />

    <rule name="mms/udp" protocols="mms|mmsh|udp" player="VideoPlayer" />
    <rule name="lastfm/shout" protocols="lastfm|shout" player="PAPlayer" />
    <rule name="rtmp" protocols="rtmp" player="videodefaultplayer" />

    <!-- VideoPlayer can play standard rtsp streams -->
    <rule name="rtsp" protocols="rtsp" filetypes="!(rm|ra)" player="PAPlayer" />

    <!-- Internet streams -->
    <rule name="streams" internetstream="true">
    <rule name="aacp/sdp" mimetypes="audio/aacp|application/sdp" player="VideoPlayer" />
    <rule name="mp2" mimetypes="application/octet-stream" filetypes="mp2" player="PAPlayer" />

    <!-- DVDs -->
    <rule name="dvd" dvd="true" player="VideoPlayer" />
    <rule name="dvdimage" dvdimage="true" player="VideoPlayer" />

    <!-- Only VideoPlayer can handle these normally -->
    <rule name="sdp/asf" filetypes="sdp|asf" player="VideoPlayer" />

    <!-- Pass these to VideoPlayer as we do not know if they are audio or video -->
    <rule name="nsv" filetypes="nsv" player="VideoPlayer" />

    <!-- pvr radio channels should be played by VideoPlayer because they need buffering -->
    <rule name="radio" filetypes="pvr" filename=".*/radio/.*" player="VideoPlayer" />
  11. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    it would be perfect but for me it doesn"t function. Kodi shows me that external player is running, but really doesn"t start anything. however i need to try to set also internet stream with zidoo player. I was looking for in zdmc 17.6.1 where i can set this, but every folder (especially system where I thing there is the configuration) are empty
  12. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Also internet stream from pvr clients?
  13. Made a new playercorefactory.xml after some testing. I don't play radio or play DVD images so i don't know if this would work correctly. I just wanted internet streams to play from kodi default player and all other videos to use Zidoo player, which is working for me.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rules name="system rules">

    <rule protocols="smb" player="ZidooPlayer" />
    <rule dvdimage="true" player="VideoPlayer"/>
    <rule protocols="rtmp" player="VideoPlayer"/>
    <rule protocols="rtsp" player="VideoPlayer" />
    <rule protocols="sop" player="VideoPlayer" />

    <!-- Internet streams -->
    <rule internetstream="true" player="VideoPlayer" />

    <!-- Default for anything else not listed -->
    <rule video="true" player="ZidooPlayer"/>

  14. Wikinaut

    Wikinaut New Member

    So, if I understand correctly, until KODI 18 is merged into the latest Zidoo release for the Z9S, playback of 3D ISOs is broken?
  15. Richardjcf99

    Richardjcf99 New Member

    Sorry to side track this thread. I have has a Z9S for approx 18 months, everything worked fine until last week, when I open kodi it closes itself after 30 seconds. I have tried to install kodi from the kodi site and also updated the X9S to the latest firmware, I even tried a factory reset, all have failed to solve the issue. Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this or is it a kodi fault? I should add that ZDMC is working fine.
  16. Antonio Oliveira

    Antonio Oliveira New Member

    The point is quite simple. Kodi banned handsets with Realtek chipset. Zidoo will probably make us orphans stubborn that HT2.0 (the one no-one uses) is better than Kodi. Someone needs to tell Zidoo people that if the community wanted only one player would buy a Bluray or a SmarTV. Would not pay dearly for a paper weight. Kodi is freedom, HT 2.0 is prison. Either Zidoo leaves Realtek and uses an open-source chipset or terminates its activities.
    HaoSs likes this.
  17. francishe

    francishe Member

    With the latest version, I am having the same problem of crashing after running. Can anyone give me recommandation of which version does not stay crashing? thx
  18. Zlim

    Zlim New Member

    Anyone else can't download cover files from tmdb?

    Using Kodi version 17.3

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  19. cNone

    cNone New Member

    Any updates on this fork? I think the OP doesn't work on it anymore :(
  20. cobric

    cobric Member

    Yes, as I moved from Zidoo to Odroid N2 with coreelec. So there will be no more updates...

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