Spectrum Analyzer on A6

Discussion in 'Eversolo' started by sosojerk, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. sosojerk

    sosojerk New Member

    Will it be possible for Eversolo to implement a spectrum analyzer that is used the same way as current VU meters are?
    That would be cool I think.
    Biskup likes this.
  2. Arcticpollen

    Arcticpollen Active Member

    It's been mentioned before and I expect it'll be implemented at some point. I think the devs have more pressing issues to fix fo rthe time being.
    Nutul likes this.
  3. Dfv8

    Dfv8 New Member

    I’m not being rude but I have to ask why?

    My one and only criteria is the best resolution/reproduction of music as intended by the artist which the DMP-A6 certainly exceeds in spades at its price point.

    If anyone’s interested I have a friend who alerted me to the Eversolo as I was considering a HiFi Rose 250A. He has the luxury of owning PS Audio Directstream DAC.

    Last week we did a direct comparison, to say he was impressed is an understatement, especially as the PS Audio costs in excess of 5k which I could never justify.

    I think Eversolo have got the balance just right with the display functionality as-is without the need for fripperies included as a talking point.

    Just my opinion only and not a criticism.
  4. Arcticpollen

    Arcticpollen Active Member

    It's not a massive development effort for the spectrum analysers given there are already a couple of VU meters in the firmware code. I played with the meters a couple of times and then went back to the on screen output from whatever streaming source I was using at the time.

    A few people have asked for the spectrum analyser and that's fine with me but there are more important things for the devs to fix first - AirPlay2 which has disappeared from the product specs since launch and the internal player library management to name the first 2 that come to mind.
  5. sosojerk

    sosojerk New Member

    The right question maybe it is why not?
    Zidoo Neo Alpha already has a spectrum analyzer builtin. So maybe the code is already available, I think. Should not be such a huge effort to port it to A6.
    SeeTeeShock and Biskup like this.
  6. Biskup

    Biskup New Member

    Actually, no one from the eversolo team has confirmed that there will ever be a spectrum analyzer. Real shame.:(
  7. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    under development
  8. Biskup

    Biskup New Member

    Greta news! I hold you to your promise !
    lemongrass and SeeTeeShock like this.

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