Setup Poster Wall From Scratch

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Jordan Walker, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    These are cached internally with the database (not in .hometheatre) and you only have to do this once (unless you rebuild the database).
    Jordan Walker likes this.
  2. andyt1000

    andyt1000 Member

    [​IMG]This is how my folders are set out,apart from the NFO file.What will happen to HT4 if its not there.
  3. ckenisell

    ckenisell New Member

    Sorry for bringing up an older thread. I guess the term "fanart" refers to the background/backdrop. Is that correct?

    Also, in the document to which you referred, you show the following:
    • Poster: MovieName-poster.jpg
    • Fanart: MovieName-fanart.jpg
    • Clear Logo: MovieName-clearlogo.png

    • Collection Poster: CollectionName-poster.jpg
    • Collection Fanart: CollectionName-fanart.jpg
    ...but where is the Collection Clear Logo? All of my collections just randomly pick one of the logos from one of the movies within the collection. Problem with that, it's usually wrong. Like, BTTF shows the Back to the Future II logo on the collection. The Ant Man collection shows the Quantumania logo. Etc.

    Finally, what is the naming convention for local art if the mkv or iso file has the year and other media labels in its name?

    For example:
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1).mkv
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(2#Theatrical 3D Part 2).mkv
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(3#Extended 3D Part 1).mkv
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(4#Extended 3D Part 2).mkv

      Would the local art be named...
      • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey-poster.jpg
      • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey-fanart.jpg
      • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey-clearlogo.png
      • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012)-poster.jpg
      • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012)-fanart.jpg
      • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012)-clearlogo.png
  4. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I would say it has to be named
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-clearlogo.png
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(2#Theatrical 3D Part 2)-clearlogo.png
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(3#Extended 3D Part 1)-clearlogo.png
    • The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(4#Extended 3D Part 2)-clearlogo.png
    The movie name is always the whole text befor the suffix.
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, fanart is the backdrop.

    There isn't a ClearLogo associated with a collection because there's nowhere for it to display - ClearLogos are only shown in the details page for the movie:





    For multiple versions, you still use the file name, so in your example. you'd use:

    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-poster.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-fanart.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-clearlogo.png

    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(2#Theatrical 3D Part 2)-poster.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(2#Theatrical 3D Part 2)-fanart.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(2#Theatrical 3D Part 2)-clearlogo.png

    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(3#Extended 3D Part 1)-poster.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(3#Extended 3D Part 1)-fanart.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(3#Extended 3D Part 1)-clearlogo.png

    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(4#Extended 3D Part 2)-poster.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(4#Extended 3D Part 2)-fanart.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(4#Extended 3D Part 2)-clearlogo.png

    Actually - just tested and you can just use one set like this:

    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-poster.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-fanart.jpg
    The Hobbit- An Unexpected Journey (2012).3D.(1#Theatrical 3D Part 1)-clearlogo.png

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
  6. ckenisell

    ckenisell New Member

    Thanks for all of the information. I was able to get the posters, fanart and clearlogos to work as described in The Hobbit example. However, there are clearlogos shown on collections in the Cover and List views:


  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ah - good point - I never use those views...

    It takes the Clear Logo and trailer for the last movie in the collection.

    Have you tried CollectionName-clearlogo.png?

    eg. Back to the Future Collection-clearlogo.png
  8. ckenisell

    ckenisell New Member

    I have not, but I will give it a try. Where should this png sit with respect to the movie folders? If I have each movie in its own folder, but all movie folders are in the "Movies" directory, should I just place the clearlogo.png file in the root "Movies" directory with all of the various movie folders?

  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Probably in each relevant movie folder but I suspect it would work if it was just in one - the first movie in the collection. No idea if it will work - depends if it's coded in obvs, but worth a try.
  10. ckenisell

    ckenisell New Member

    First off, let me apologize for all of the following screenshots. It's the only way I know to help you visualize the issue I'm experiencing with a poster just not populating a season of a TV show (Game of Thrones Season 8).

    1. I have made eight different posters for each of the respective GOT seasons as I didn't like any provided by The Movie Database or I have them saved to my NAS as shown here:


      (We're going to be focusing on Season 1 to see how it's working properly and Season 8 to see how it's not working properly):



    2. Here is the "season8-poster.jpg" image:



    3. And here is the "season1-poster.jpg" image:



    4. Now, onto the Game of Thrones Collection. I was able to change the poster and fanart for the Collection. No problem:


    5. I was able to change Seasons 1 & 7 posters. No problem. But Season 8? Even when I select the season8-poster.jpg from the NAS, it continues to show this stupid image of Bran (with text in another language).


      Even when I try to change the image manually:




      It just goes back to this Bran image (which isn't even in the poster list to choose from on the right):


    I've tried refreshing the metadata for that season. I've tried removing the season and re-matching it. I've tried renaming the season8-poster.jpg file to something else just in case there was some weird caching going on.

    Bran is just being stubborn and won't let me pick my own image.

    Any help would be appreciated!
  11. ckenisell

    ckenisell New Member

    Well, unfortunately, this didn't work. I have created a folder with all my collection clearlogos for when Zidoo is ready...


    So, I tested this by placing the
    Ace Ventura Collection-clearlogo.png file in the main Movie folder with no luck. Then I copied it into the actual Ace Ventura Pet Detective folder and that didn't work either.


    I think Zidoo's code does not look for Collection clearlogos. They should have an If/Then statement that first looks for a Collection clearlogo. If one does not exist, then use the logo of the first movie or TV Show in the collection.

    I even sent Zidoo an email to their service email account and they responded with instructions for creating clearlogos for movies and TV shows, but not collections. I have replied to that clarifying that it didn't help and I am specifically looking to create clearlogos for Collections. Hopefully they will understand and respond or update Home Theater 4.0 to include collection clearlogos.

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