Samba performance problems with small files

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Z49845, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Z49845

    Z49845 Member

    If i copy a big file to my UHD3000 then the speed is about 80 - 100 MB/s (1 Gb network), but if i copy a folder with thousands of small files then the speed drops to 1 - 2 MB/s.

    The only usable way is to zip the files on the pc, copy the zip file to the UHD3000 and unzip the files directly on the UHD3000 (with Total Commander over scrcpy).

    Deleting a folder with say 5000 files on the zidoo over Samba is also not 100% working: there are a few files remaining after deleting. A second delete of the folder is necessary.

    I am using the new 6.4.65 firmware.
  2. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

  3. Z49845

    Z49845 Member

    So nothing has changed in the last 3 years! Does Zidoo think we only have a few movies on these systems?

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