Since I've all latest generations of Zamba Players it's easy for me to compare their behavior. The Samba implementation on the Z9X behaves different than on X9S or Z9S. I've noticed this first with my Home Theater tool. It takes much longer to copy the images from my NAS to the .HomeTheater folder on Z9X. So I did a few tests: 1. Speedtest with Magic iPerf to my Server X9S Z9S Z9X All three devices are connected with gigabit speed 2. unbuffered copy of one big file (1.4GB) with robocopy from my Server to Zidoo X9S robocopy . \\zidoo_x9s\mmcblk0p2\Download /j jellyfish-400-mbps-4k-uhd-hevc-10bit.mkv Z9S robocopy . \\zidoo_z9s\mmcblk0p2\Download /j jellyfish-400-mbps-4k-uhd-hevc-10bit.mkv Z9X robocopy . \\zidoo_z9x\share\storage\Download /j jellyfish-400-mbps-4k-uhd-hevc-10bit.mkv X9s 101 sec Z9S 27 sec Z9X 32 sec 3. unbuffered copy of many images (3595 Files = 1.5GB) with robocopy from my Server to Zidoo X9S robocopy .HomeTheater \\zidoo_x9s\mmcblk0p2\Download /j /s Z9S robocopy .HomeTheater \\zidoo_z9s\mmcblk0p2\Download /j /s Z9X robocopy .HomeTheater \\zidoo_z9x\share\storage\Download /j /s X9S ~160 sec z9S ~160 sec Z9X ~3780 sec ?!?! I also figured out, the file count on Z9X via Samba is shown incorrect Z9S Windows Explorer counts 1559 images in Backdrops File Manager 1559 (+1?) adb bridge 1559 X9S Windows Explorer counts 1559 images in Backdrops File Manager 1559 (+1?) adb bridge 1559 Z9X Windows Explorer counts 1555 images in Backdrops File Manager 1559 (+1?) adb bridge 1559 File Manager on X9S connected to Z9X via Samba counts 1547 File Manager on Z9S connected to Z9X via Samba counts 1547 Can anyone confirm or deny the behavior of the Samba Server implementation on Z9X (Z10 Pro, Z1000 Pro or UHD3000)?
I hope Zidoo takes what you’ve shared above very seriously, and relook into the SMB implementation in Z9X. I don’t have older boxes to compare. But I do have intermittent SMB issues. Most recent is the INFO display (advance info) will hang if the file is over SMB, but shows immediately if file is on USB thumb drive. Your findings above is clear proof that something isn’t right with the SMB implementation in the new boxes.
Wow what a great post! Yes hopefully Zidoo will take this on, if not already. Too many people reporting issues.
I have no problems with SMB, when copying from the PC (Win10) to the internal hard drive (WD Red+) of the UHD3000 I have about 105 MB / s. Also when playing from the server via SMB no problems, tested Gem. Man 4K@60Hz ISO played flawlessly for 20 minutes.
I don't know if this may have a relation, but every time I scrape by opening HT4, often one or more hard drives do not scrape, I have to do it manually ........... ............What do you think ? PS: Ethernet NAS
Special thanks to @pcristi for providing me information how to install a different Samba Server implementation on my Zidoo Z9X. I've tried many different settings for the Samba Server configuration but it's definitely slower that all other implementations.
I've created 1000 dummy files with zero length Z9S Code: P:\TEMP>robocopy 1000z Z:\Download\1000z /J /NFL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Robustes Dateikopieren für Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gestartet: Freitag, 25. Juni 2021 13:40:16 Quelle : P:\TEMP\1000z\ Ziel : Z:\Download\1000z\ Dateien : *.* Optionen: *.* /NFL /DCOPY:DA /COPY:DAT /J /R:1000000 /W:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neues Verz. 1000 P:\TEMP\1000z\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insgesamt KopiertÜbersprungenKeine Übereinstimmung FEHLER Extras Verzeich.: 1 1 0 0 0 0 Dateien: 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 Bytes: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zeiten: 0:00:29 0:00:29 0:00:00 0:00:00 Beendet: Freitag, 25. Juni 2021 13:40:45 Z9X Code: P:\TEMP>robocopy 1000z X:\Download\1000z /J /NFL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Robustes Dateikopieren für Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gestartet: Freitag, 25. Juni 2021 13:40:56 Quelle : P:\TEMP\1000z\ Ziel : X:\Download\1000z\ Dateien : *.* Optionen: *.* /NFL /DCOPY:DA /COPY:DAT /J /R:1000000 /W:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neues Verz. 1000 P:\TEMP\1000z\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insgesamt KopiertÜbersprungenKeine Übereinstimmung FEHLER Extras Verzeich.: 1 1 0 0 0 0 Dateien: 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 Bytes: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zeiten: 0:04:42 0:04:41 0:00:00 0:00:00 Beendet: Freitag, 25. Juni 2021 13:45:38
Hello, I am having issues maintaining a consistent connection to the ZX9's samba share. In addition to reporting it, I am looking for a different SMB server alternative. @McBluna could you share the steps on ow to install a different SMB server on the Zidoo? Thanks!