Samba NAS issues

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by perchele, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. perchele

    perchele New Member

    Hi to everyone, I'm new here and I would like to ask help to all you!
    I have two big issue on my samba nas!

    The first one: I cannot reach the usb disk from my Windows 10 pc and Ubuntu 16.04 pc, but it is reachable by my android smartphones.
    I tried to modify some samba nas option but no results. Furthermore, I lost all my modify in the configuration when I perform a reboot.

    The second one is the incredible nas slow speed that I reached by coping from one ext4 usb disk connected at the zidoo to my android device: more or less 1MB/s. The zidoo is connected by ethernet to a vodafone station, I tried by connecting it with WiFi and the speed decrease to 200KB/s.

    Is this normal? What are your nas performances?

    Zidoo's Team, HELP ME!!!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  2. perchele

    perchele New Member

    So, I understood that when you modify the smb.conf by ssh, data are lost at every samba reboot. Instead by modifying the samba config using the web interface, the data are still memorized.
    I been able to made a samba connection but why my max download speed (from usb ext4 connected to the zidoo to my computer is 2,5MB/s?
    Please Zidoo team, can you help to correctly configure my samba server to increase performances?
  3. spring

    spring Guest

    do you mean the X9S as the smb server and the windows to access it?
  4. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    What we really need is a simple Android APP (or OpenWrt Option under Android Settings) to push basic settings to the OpenWrt applications (effectively updating setting files only).
    Start with enable/disable SAMBA and FTP Server with options for UID/PWD or Anonymous.
    Please don't expect the average media player customer to jiggle with SSH and web interfaces from a PC to get such basic functions going.

    If somebody wants to run complex FW, Torrents, Advanced authorizations for SMB/FTP or other complex communication applications that's up to him. He should then know/learn how to deal with those by direct interfacing. It is nice that it is all possible, but not for the average customer.
  5. perchele

    perchele New Member

    Yes I mean X9S as smb server and windows as client.
    Yesterday I've tried again to set the samba server, I modified the hostname and after the "Save and apply" I was able to see the samba server from any devices.
    BUT....after the zidoo reboot I'm not able to see the samba server also with the Android devices. I tried by modifying again the hostname but the samba server seems not work...

    I'm using the FW 1.0.27.

    I come from a Raspberry and no web interface on it.
    Now I understood how zidoo's OpenWrt works and how it interfaces the OpenWrt functionality. But this web interface seems not work properly in my experience...
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016

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