Rescanning files on NAS

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by MSG56, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. MSG56

    MSG56 New Member

    1. I'm setting up my posters for the first time and I see many mismatches because I didn't use the proper naming convention. However, most of them came out correctly. If I go back and rename (the mismatched) files on my NAS, how do I get the updated information to show up in my posters? In other words, how do I rescan the NAS files, but not lose the updates I have already made manually?

    2. Once I've done all this work, what is the best way to back it up?
  2. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    How about if you spend few minutes watching those tutorials here. You may save yourself hours of frustration :D
  3. MSG56

    MSG56 New Member

    Thanks I've watched the tutorials, but still struggling with a few things. I'm also new to the world of NAS management and finally managed to gain access to my media files on the NAS from the Zidoo using NFS (with helps from Zidoo support.) However, when I try to export to that folder I get an error message from the Zidoo telling me the folder is write protected, but it is not. I wish the tutorial for the NAS was for a QNAP! What method do most people use to communicate between their Zidoo and NAS?
  4. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    The most common and practical is SMB protocol for NAS. Zidoo will scan network and show SMB servers. If you have protocol or version mismatch it will be asking for username and password endlessly. Find some tutorial on YouTube matching your hardware and follow it. I don't have QNAP. I have SMB setup on WDLive, WDMyCloud, Raspberry Pi, router and both Zidoos X9Z and X9S. Everything is accessible in any direction on my LAN from all PC's and my iPhone ;)
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Completely agree - stick with SMB.

    NFS used to be the protocol of choice back in the heady days of DVD rips because of the low overhead in the network payload, but these days, with improvements to switches and in no small amount due to improvements in SMB, the old (decades old!) arguments for using NFS no longer apply.

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