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Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619DR Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you very much, Mark! I was thinking that, with my 65' at THX Optimal Viewing distance (roughly 7' but I forget exactly) I might be very happy with a 1080p box (but you're right, likely not a 720p box). OTOH, I'm stunned by the improvement in upscaling from my 2008 Samsung to my 2021 LG. To the point where I must admit that I'm even happy enough with upscaled 720p content (and often not sure if it's 1080p upscaled).

    Even if I could do what I want, I'd probably not want to. So maybe what I want is simply me not letting go of the old days.

    I'll try letting the Zidoo upscale (which I achieve with that Match Resolution setting, right?) and see if I can see any difference. Thank you very much for bringing me into the present!
    Mihail likes this.
  2. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    SilverEye likes this.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No, if you set Match Resolution, you output at the native resolution and the display has to scale. Set Frame Rate Only and then the Zidoo will output all content at the resolution you set in Settings/Display/Resolution.
    coyote2 likes this.
  4. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    When I do this, will Settings|Display|Resolution be irrelevant?
    Since in this case it's outputting the content's framerate (which one wants to = Hz), does one then set Settings|Display|Resolution to Auto? (I ask because the other Settings|Display|Resolution choices fix a Hz.) And does one want to "Lock Resolution"?
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You're overthinking this!

    Settings/Display/Resolution sets the resolution & refresh rate of the GUI.

    If you set it to "Auto" it will take the highest value allowed in the EDID - likely 3840x2160p 60Hz.

    Then Frame Rate Mode sets the behaviour of actual content.

    Lock Resolution is only to keep a set GUI resolution after a power down, so yes, leave that on.
    coyote2 likes this.
  6. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Ah, I see! I wish the Settings window had explained this is just about the GUI.

    In fairness, when reading your "****" I did get confused by the mention of the GUI, and in my confusion did wonder whether something in the Settings was just about the display of the GUI.

    Since I want to minimize resyncs, am I now understanding that I want to set Settings/Display/Resolution = the most common Resolution/Hz of the video content I'm browsing (in quantity over Samba, which is when when the resyncs drive me nuts)?
    Edit: Now I see that the Resolution/Hz of the content I'm browsing is all over the map, sigh.
    Now that I understand it's about the GUI not the video content that makes sense, but even then something like "Display Max" would be more accurate, and the word "Auto" helped me misunderstand that it was about something that changed, like the video content.
    Thanks man!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That's the reason I set my resolution to 3840x2160p 23Hz and set Frame Rate Only in Frame Rate Mode.

    I also have HDR set to LLDV so everything is output in LLDV (obviously that depends if the display will do LLDV) so that way, since the majority of my content is 23.976fps, I only get resyncs on the rare occasion when something is 24fps and the extremely rare occasion when it's 59/60fps.

    I know what you mean about the GUI resolution, but it's not a "max" resolution since you can set it to 1080p and play content at 4K and if you don't set "match resolution" it's also the content resolution, so the description is correct because its effect changes depending on settings.
    coyote2 likes this.
  8. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I'm embarrassed that I've been so confused about this stuff. I just re-read the above and now understand that that Resolution setting doesn't only set the GUI parameters, it also sets what the Zidoo scales to if one calls on it to (with the Framerate Only setting).
    I don't know if you know that I was only referring to the "Auto" option (of the Resolution setting), not to the overall Resolution setting.
    Right now I've got HDR set to Auto. If I might want to change that to the LLDV setting, could you point me to where I can learn how to deal with figuring out if my display supports it?
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    If you see an option called "Dolby Vision Low Latency (LLDV,YUV422,12bit)" in HDR settings, then the display supports it. If not, it doesn't.

    What's the display?
  10. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I'd ordered a new HDMI cable, but today I find that turning the TV off/on is sufficient! That seems acceptable to me, since I've had to do that with other devices on a previous TV too.
  11. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    It's there!
    LG C1 OLED 65" (sorry to have only now populated my sig.)

    I feel too ignorant to decide to change HDR from Auto to LLDV. Are there reasons not to?
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I don't think so (a purist might disagree!) But try it and see - basically it uses the Dolby Vision VS10 engine to convert all content whether SDR or HDR to Player Led Dolby Vision - I like it - there's some Dolby secret sauce in there that works well for me ;)

    HDMI syncs on a change of resolution and/or HDR mode and/or frame rate. So by fixing the resolution and the HDR mode you are restricting the possibility of resyncs to frame rate changes only.
    Netmask likes this.
  13. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    I found that switching the TV on first, before the Zidoo (Z1000 Pro) ensured it was found straight away.
    When switching on the Zidoo first, it was "hit and miss" if it connected and needed to be switched off and on again. My situation may be different, however, as HDMI is via an AVRKey, that is left on.
    coyote2 and Enet like this.
  14. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    Thanks for the advice. Turning on the TV first definitely does not work for me but at least I am now thinking about the order. It looks like turning on the Zidoo first works more reliably for me.
    coyote2 likes this.
  15. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    Have you made sure CEC is off for TV, AVR and Zidoo? This causes issues with a variety of manufacturers and HDMI attachments.....
  16. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    I only have the start up problem sometimes, probably because my setup usually starts the Zidoo first. I think that when I have the issue, maybe the TV starts up first. I only realise this now after reading your post and doing some tests. So I now have a 1 second delay after the Zidoo starts up and before the TV starts up.
  17. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you very much, Enet and Phil181!

    I haven't encountered a handshake again yet that turning stuff off doesn't resolve, but when I do I'll start experimenting with the order.
  18. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Is there some remote control button (or way to achieve) 'Next File" functionality. For example while watching a TV series or browsing a folder via Samba.
  19. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    You might be able to program it for a long press on a harmony hub remote, but to do it on a zidoo remote, you would press the following while playing a video in "mediacenter" or digitalsignagemode. Basically anything using "Video Player" by ZIdoo

    Left or Right
    Left x 2 to skip to next file and then OK on remote
    Right x 2 to go back to previous file and then OK on remote

    There might be a button is in the remote set that is not present on the zidoo remote that could be programmed

    The order would be based on repeat , random/ shuffle, newest file etc.

    I use this sequence to flip through trailers in the "digitalsignagemode" folder that plays upon start up. I just wish the folder mapped would refresh each time it starts up, so it see's my newest trailers being downloaded with a script. Maybe in time
    coyote2 likes this.
  20. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    You might be interested to know that the key does exist in the API for zidoo RC control:

    ZKEY_MEDIA_NEXT = "Key.MediaNext"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUS = "Key.MediaPrev"

    Markswift should be able to give you the exact url to hit that key, even though its not on the remote, app OR web control page

    Links of Interest:



    These were pulled from the "HomeAssistant Plugin, (zidoorc.py) file

    _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    VERSION = '0.1.2'
    TIMEOUT = 2             # default timeout
    CONF_PORT = 9529        # default api port
    DEFAULT_COUNT = 250     # default list limit
    """Remote Control Button keys"""
    ZKEY_BACK = "Key.Back"
    ZKEY_CANCEL = "Key.Cancel"
    ZKEY_HOME = "Key.Home"
    ZKEY_UP = "Key.Up"
    ZKEY_DOWN = "Key.Down"
    ZKEY_LEFT = "Key.Left"
    ZKEY_RIGHT = "Key.Right"
    ZKEY_OK = "Key.Ok"
    ZKEY_SELECT = "Key.Select"
    ZKEY_STAR = "Key.Star"
    ZKEY_POUND = "Key.Pound"
    ZKEY_DASH = "Key.Dash"
    ZKEY_MENU = "Key.Menu"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_PLAY = "Key.MediaPlay"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_STOP = "Key.MediaStop"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_PAUSE = "Key.MediaPause"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_NEXT = "Key.MediaNext"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUS = "Key.MediaPrev"
    ZKEY_NUM_0 = "Key.Number_0"
    ZKEY_NUM_1 = "Key.Number_1"
    ZKEY_NUM_2 = "Key.Number_2"
    ZKEY_NUM_3 = "Key.Number_3"
    ZKEY_NUM_4 = "Key.Number_4"
    ZKEY_NUM_5 = "Key.Number_5"
    ZKEY_NUM_6 = "Key.Number_6"
    ZKEY_NUM_7 = "Key.Number_7"
    ZKEY_NUM_8 = "Key.Number_8"
    ZKEY_NUM_9 = "Key.Number_9"
    ZKEY_USER_A = "Key.UserDefine_A"
    ZKEY_USER_B = "Key.UserDefine_B"
    ZKEY_USER_C = "Key.UserDefine_C"
    ZKEY_USER_D = "Key.UserDefine_D"
    ZKEY_MUTE = "Key.Mute"
    ZKEY_VOLUME_UP = "Key.VolumeUp"
    ZKEY_VOLUME_DOWN = "Key.VolumeDown"
    ZKEY_POWER_ON = "Key.PowerOn"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_BACKWARDS = "Key.MediaBackward"
    ZKEY_MEDIA_FORWARDS = "Key.MediaForward"
    ZKEY_INFO = "Key.Info"
    ZKEY_RECORD = "Key.Record"
    ZKEY_PAGE_UP = "Key.PageUP"
    ZKEY_PAGE_DOWN = "Key.PageDown"
    ZKEY_SUBTITLE = "Key.Subtitle"
    ZKEY_AUDIO = "Key.Audio"
    ZKEY_REPEAT = "Key.Repeat"
    ZKEY_MOUSE = "Key.Mouse"
    ZKEY_POPUP_MENU = "Key.PopMenu"
    ZKEY_APP_MOVIE = "Key.movie"
    ZKEY_APP_MUSIC = "Key.music"
    ZKEY_APP_PHOTO = "Key.photo"
    ZKEY_APP_FILE = "Key.file"
    ZKEY_LIGHT = "Key.light"
    ZKEY_RESOLUTION = "Key.Resolution"
    ZKEY_POWER_REBOOT = "Key.PowerOn.Reboot"
    ZKEY_POWER_OFF = "Key.PowerOn.Poweroff"
    ZKEY_POWER_STANDBY = "Key.PowerOn.Standby"
    ZKEY_SCREENSHOT = "Key.Screenshot"
    ZKEY_APP_SWITCH = "Key.APP.Switch"
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022

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